James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2007

HI2005 - Environmental History

[Offered in odd-numbered years in Townsville. ]

Credit points: 03
Year: 2007
Student Contribution Band: Band 1
Administered by: School of Arts & Social Sciences

Enrolment is this subject is available to all students.

This subject examines key aspects of the environmental history of Australasia, Oceania, and Island Southeast Asia. Topics include: historical records of climatic and geological processes; human perceptions of, and adaptation to, tropical and subtropical environments; relationships between indigenous peoples and European settlers; conflicts over the control and use of natural recources; the impact of population expansion and technological change. The subject's regional perspective is designed to provide a sense of comparison for current debates within Australia and the region over resource management between various interest groups in multi-cultural settings.

Learning Outcomes

Graduate Qualities

HI3005 and HI5005


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 1
Census Date 30-Mar-2007
Coord/Lect: Dr Claire Brennan.
Contact hours:
  • 26 hours lectures
  • 13 hours tutorials
    Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); tutorial attendance and participation (10%); essays (30%); (20%).

    Cairns, Internal, Study Period 1
    Census Date 30-Mar-2007
    Coord/Lect: Dr Claire Brennan.
    Contact hours:
    • 26 hours lectures
    • 13 hours tutorials
      Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); tutorial attendance and participation (10%); essays (30%); (20%).

      Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.