James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2007

ED2990 - Education for Cultural Diversity

Credit points: 03
Year: 2007
Student Contribution Band: National Priority Band
Administered by: School of Education

External offering available only to RATEP and Thursday Island students

Education is viewed through a lens of cultural diversity, with a specific focus on "race", gender, socio-economic status and location. In the context of social justice and reconciliation, students will be introduced to theoretical, practical and personal themes relating to the construction of identities, historical legacies, multicultural persons, classrooms and societies and culturally inclusive classroom practices. Students will use their understandings of these themes to develop competencies needed to make decisions about learning in classrooms and communities in culturally diverse societies. Given the ongoing educational disadvanatge experienced by Indigenious people within Australian society, Indigenious education will provide the main focus for the study of these themes.

Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites:6 units of level 1 ED subjects


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 2
Census Date 31-Aug-2007
Coord/Lect: jc137669.
Contact hours:
  • 13 hours lectures
  • 24 hours tutorials
    Assessment:end of semester exam (50%); assignments (30%); workshop preparation (20%).
    Special Assessment Requirements:The examination is the only invigilated component of this subject.

    External, Study Period 2
    Census Date 31-Aug-2007
    Coord/Lect: jc137669.
    Contact hours:
    • 13 hours lectures
    • 24 hours tutorials
      Method of Delivery:Printed materials
      Assessment:end of semester exam (20%); assignments (40%); personal reflection (four reflections, 200-250 words each) (40%).

      Cairns, Internal, Study Period 2
      Census Date 31-Aug-2007
      Coord/Lect: Miss Juanita Sellwood.
      Contact hours:
      • 13 hours lectures
      • 24 hours tutorials
        Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); workshop participation and preparation (30%); assignments (30%).

        Thursday Isl, Internal, Study Period 2
        Census Date 31-Aug-2007
        Coord/Lect: jc152866.
        Contact hours:
        • 13 hours lectures
        • 24 hours tutorials
          Assessment:end of semester exam (40%); workshop participation and preparation (20%); assignments (40%).

          Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.