James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2007

CS4007 - Sustainable Design, Waste and Pollution Technology

[Offered in odd-numbered years]

Credit points: 03
Year: 2007
Student Contribution Band: Band 2
Administered by: Discipline of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Environmental impact assessment, waste management and pollution control in the context of environmental management and sustainable development are standard. The following topics are covered:Planning and design for sustainability development and sustainability; project planning, design and implementation; problem solving, analysis and design.Waste and pollution technology solid waste management; hazardous waste management; air pollution; noise pollution.Environmental impact assessment introduction to EIA; policy and legislative base for environmental outcomes; impact assessment process.

Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites:CS2002 and EG1010


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 2
Census Date 31-Aug-2007
Coordinator: Assoc. Professor Jega Jegatheesan
Lecturer: Mr Ross Kapitzke.
Contact hours:
  • 65 hours - Lectures, tutorials, demonstrations, practicals, site visits and/or seminars. Refer to Subject Outline for details.
    Assessment:end of semester exam (50% - 70%); on-course assessment, some of which may be invigilated (30% - 50%).

    Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.