James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2007

BC2023 - Molecular Biology

Credit points: 03
Year: 2007
Student Contribution Band: Band 2
Administered by: Discipline of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

The technology of molecular biology has had a major impact on every area of the life sciences, from medicine to ecology, so that knowledge of this area is now an essential component of degree programs in the biological and biomedical sciences. This is the foundation subject in molecular biology and provides a strong foundation in molecular biology for application in all fields of biology. It explores the structure of DNA, the mechanism of replication of DNA, genetic recombination and repair of DNA, transcription, translation, chromatin structure, comparison of eukaryotic and prokaryotic genome structure, the operon model, bacteriophage, viruses and techniques in recombinant DNA technology.

Learning Outcomes

Prerequisites:CH1001 (BM1000 or BZ1020 strongly recommended)
BC3022 and PC3202


Townsville, Internal, Study Period 2
Census Date 31-Aug-2007
Coordinator: Professor Heinrich Korner
Lecturers: Assoc. Professor Bill Warren, Professor Heinrich Korner, Dr Gerald Muench, Professor David Miller, Professor George Meehan, Professor James Burnell.
Contact hours:
  • 36 hours lectures
  • 30 hours practicals
    Assessment:end of semester exam (65%); other exams (10%); assignments (25%).

    Note: Minor variations might occur due to the continuous Subject quality improvement process, and in case of minor variation(s) in assessment details, the Subject Outline represents the latest official information.