View how TV1201 is offered in 2004
(Also shows pre-requisites and inadmissible combinations if applicable)
Introductory Animal Science
[As the Bachelor of Animal Science has been disestablished, this subject will only be offered in 2004 as an elective subject in other courses.]
Professor P Summers.
The aim of the subject is to provide knowledge and understanding of: anatomy and histology of domestic animals, wildlife and vertebrate pests; the animal industries including their value to the Australian economy, location, breeds, structure and demography; conservation and management of wildlife, including the structure and function of State and Federal bodies charged with these responsibilities; international trade issues associated with livestock production and wildlife conservation and management; animal disease and quarantine issues in relation to livestock production, wildlife conservation and management and vertebrate pest species; common land types and uses in Australia and the impact of livestock production, native fauna and vertebrate pests on sustainability of the environment.