View how TM5503 is offered in 2004
(Also shows pre-requisites and inadmissible combinations if applicable)
Human Parasitology
Assoc. Professor R Speare,
Dr W Melrose (Coordinators).
This subject includes a detailed study of the classification, epidemiology, morphology, life cycle, control, diagnosis and treatment of protozoal and helminthic infections in humans with special reference to the major diseases found in Australia, the Western Pacific and Southeast Asia. Case studies are used extensively in teaching. The subject has an applied focus and deals with current and topical aspects of human parasitology in the Australasian region. Laboratory techniques for routine clinical diagnosis of parasitic infection is a significant focus of the subject. Through human parasitology, we aim to assist students to become competent in understanding and addressing parasitological problems current in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.
demonstrate an understanding of the importance, epidemiology, biology, life-cycle, morphology, diagnosis, symptomatology, management and prevention of the common helminths and protozoa parasitic in humans in tropical southeast Asia, Australasia and the western Pacific region;