View how MD3002 is offered in 2004
(Also shows pre-requisites and inadmissible combinations if applicable)
Infection, Inflammation and Immunity
Dr N Ketheesan.
This subject introduces students to the normal immune system and its physiological relationship to the other major organ systems. Students will gain an understanding of the processes of response of the human immune system to parasitic, bacterial and viral infections. Additionally students will learn the role of the immune system in the development of the disease processes and how the manipulation of the immune responses can change these processes.
appreciate the process by which organisms cause disease, the manner in which the host responds to infectious diseases and how the immune system integrates with other physiological processes;
ability to operate standard laboratory equipment, undertake simple diagnostic tests and interpret the results of the laboratory examinations;
This subject is assessed within an integrated assessment program for all subjects during the academic year. Students must participate in all formative assessment tasks to achieve eligibility to sit summative assessment tasks that include in Semester 1 an integrated written assignment (10% of the year's marks) and in Semester 2 an integrated examination consisting of a written component (60%) and practical component (30%). Attendance at clinical skills sessions is mandatory and completion to a satisfactory level is required.