View how MD2001 is offered in 2004
(Also shows pre-requisites and inadmissible combinations if applicable)
Cardiovascular Medicine
Available to level 2 students enrolled in the MBBS program.
Assoc. Professor G Dobson,
Dr A Babey.
This subject will focus on the normal development of the heart and vascular system and introduce the student to cardiovascular disease. Skills acquisition include: measurement and understanding of ECG, blood pressure, cardiac auscultation, the basic workings of the echocardiogram and other diagnostic modalities. The student will develop a heightened appreciation of the importance of scientific investigation to the advances in cardiovascular medicine.
knowledge and understanding of the basic structure and function of the normal heart, the great vessels and vascular system;
knowledge and skills acquisition of ECG, blood pressure, cardiac auscultation, the basic workings of the echocardiogram and other diagnostic modalities;
This subject is assessed within an integrated assessment program for all subjects during the academic year. Students must participate in all formative assessment tasks to achieve eligibility to sit summative assessment tasks that include in Semester 1 an integrated written assignment (10% of the year's marks) and in Semester 2 an integrated examination consisting of a written component (60%) and practical component (30%). Attendance at clinical skills sessions is mandatory and completion to a satisfactory level is required.