View how CH2041 is offered in 2004
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Environmental Chemistry
Available to students within BSc or BAppSc programs with earth science, environmental or ecology specialisation.
Dr M Liddell.
Chemistry of the natural environment. Atmospheric chemistry (ozone chemistry, aerosols), aquatic chemistry (marine, freshwater, groundwater), terrestrial (soils, clay minerals, humic matter), microbial redox chemistry (pE/pH diagrams) and inferfacial chemistry (Kf,Kdist). Biogeochemical cycles (N, P, S).
Analytical chemistry. Techniques that are used in environmental monitoring of air, water and soils. Classical methods (gravimetry, titrimetry), chromatography (GC, HPLC, IC), spectroscopy (ND-IR, fluorescence, colorimetry, AA). Electroanalytical techniques. Sampling methods and quality control.
Pollution chemistry. Nuclear and alternative energies, toxicology, greenhouse gases, smog, indoor air quality, water pollution, acid sulphate soils, persistent organics (DDT, PCB, dioxin), insecticides, herbicides, heavy metals (Pb, Hg), wastes and waste treatment technology, green chemistry.