View how BT3290 is offered in 2004
(Also shows pre-requisites and inadmissible combinations if applicable)
Plant Reproductive and Population Ecology
[Not offered in 2004]
Dr M Waycott.
Demography of plant populations, with an emphasis on tropical plants. The first section of the subject will concentrate on learning techniques and theory associated with the reproductive ecology of plants, together with seed dispersal, seed germination and establishment. This subject compares and contrasts the two major environments found in the northern Australian tropics with respect to the reproductive and population ecology of plants. Practical aspects include techniques associated with studying pollination, breeding systems, seed dispersal and germination strategies in both rainforest and savanna environments. Students are expected to undertake a small research project.
to gain an understanding of the sources of variation in plant populations with an emphasis on tropical species;
to investigate factors affecting reproductive success such as breeding systems, pollination ecology and resource allocation;