James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Social Work and Welfare Practice

Townsville, Cairns, Mackay HECS Band 1

48 hours workshops/seminars. Semester 1 (Townsville, Cairns and Mackay campus); Semester 1 Limited Attendance (Townsville campus).

Available to BSW, BCW and BSocSc students only or permission by Head of School.

Staff: Ms D Miles, Ms N Harris (Townsville and Mackay campus); Ms D Nilsson (Cairns campus).

The subject focuses on the various fields of practice in which social workers and welfare workers engage. This includes work with specific populations (children, youth, adults, etc), contexts and agency types (community-based, government, non-governments, etc) and issues (mental health, abuse, crime, etc). Common arenas will be explored with a general focus on future opportunities and a specific focus on each student’s forthcoming field education placement.

Learning Objectives:

  1. explore the various areas of social work and welfare practice;
  2. understand the impact of interventions by developing an awareness of how different theoretical models of practice direct the use of different types of interventions, strategies and skills;
  3. extend understanding in relation to the impact of dimensions such as age, race, gender, culture, location and abilities, on social work and welfare delivery in practice;
  4. prepare for undertaking a field education placement.

Assessment by written assignment (50%); class presentations and/or in-class tests (50%).