James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Introduction to Social Policy

Townsville, Cairns, Mackay HECS Band 1

26 hours lectures, 12 hours tutorials or the equivalent in mixed mode on-campus delivery. Semester 1.

Staff: Dr A McMahon (Townsville campus); Dr W Earles (Cairns Campus.

This subject introduces students to the study of the Australian welfare state - the history of its development its purposes, its principal characteristics and possible future directions. A major focus is on differing political and philosophical values and attitudes that influence the development of social policy. This includes an analysis of principles of social justice and of inequality in Australian society. A major question in the subject is to consider who benefits from the welfare state. Students will explore the way in which the welfare of individuals, groups and communities may be affected, positively or negatively by class, gender, ethnicity and geographical location.

Learning Objectives:

  1. know about the origins and nature of the Australian welfare state;
  2. develop a broad understanding of the nature and extent of social welfare policy and provision in Australia;
  3. become familiar with some of the major issues and differing value positions that may be taken in relation to principles of social justice; the direction of general social welfare policy; the direction of specific areas of social policy provision;
  4. ability to articulate their own values and identify where they stand in relation to the issues discussed in the subject.

Assessment by compulsory but ungraded short paper; written assessments (100%).