Sociology of Health and Medicine
Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, External | HECS Band 1 |
26 hours lectures, 12 hours tutorials. Semester 2 internal (Townsville and Cairns campus); Semester 2 external; limited attendance Semesternbsp;2 (Mackay campus).
Staff: Dr J Coughlan, Mr P Reser.
This subject concentrates on health, illness and the health care system in Australia and draws on comparative material from other industrial societies and third world countries. Selected sociological theories on health and illness are used to examine topic areas such as the meaning and measurement of health and illness, health status of different social groups, the health professions, the bio-medical model, the health care system, socio-political influences on health, and the relationships between patients, healthcare providers and the wider society.
Learning Objectives:
- demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which health, illness and inequalities in health status are socially constructed;
- describe and analyse the relationships between health professionals, patients/consumers, governments, business and other interest groups;
- distinguish between various social theories as they are applied to the analysis of health and health care systems;
- apply a critical sociological approach to assessment of current issues in the health area.
Assessment by essay/assignment (30%); tutorial presentation/assignment (20%); examination (50%).