New Forms of Work, Organisation and Career
Townsville, Cairns | HECS Band 1 |
26 hours lectures, 12 hours tutorials. Semester 1.
Staff: Dr R Wilkinson.
With increased global integration made possible by the marriage of the computer and new communications technologies, the world of work is changing. This has implications for organisations and individuals’ careers. This subject will examine concepts of work, organisation and career in the traditional economy and then in the ‘new economy’. In the process, models of new economic development such as ‘the weightless economy’, ‘the new economy’, ‘the information society’ will be considered and evaluated. Also, new ways of understanding the concept of career will be identified and evaluated.
Learning Objectives:
- examine key debates in relation to the traditional and new economies;
- examine theories of change in work organisations;
- examine the impact of changes in work and organisations in relation to wider social change;
- develop appropriate personal and group skills required by ever-changing work organisations.
Assessment by essay (45%); examination (45%); tutorial participation (10%).