James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Issues in Forensic Mental Health 1

External HECS Band 1

80 contact hours. Semester 1.

Available to Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health students.

Staff: Professor C Holmes.

The history of services for mentally ill offenders. Forensic and legal discourse. Mentally ill offenders and the clinical management problems they present. The role of organisations and individuals involved in the care of mentally ill offenders. Consumer and advocate perspectives on services for mentally ill offenders. Community attitudes toward mentally ill offenders.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to outline positive, critical and radical approaches to the history of forensic psychiatry, internationally and locally;
  2. to understand and apply forensic and legal terminology;
  3. to describe the special legal, clinical and management problems presented by mentally ill offenders and the importance of engaging with service users and their advocates;
  4. to understand the origins, role and effects of community attitudes toward mentally ill offenders.

Assessment by two assignments (40% and 60%).