James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Independent Project: Writing for Publication

External HECS Band 3

Semester 1 or 2.

Available to students enrolled in Master of Rural and Remote Medicine program ndash; medical practitioners ideally currently in rural practice.

Staff: Professor R Hays.

This subject provides basic knowledge and skills to enable students to explore in depth a chosen area of rural medical professional practice. Students will extend and consolidate this knowledge through the selection and exploration of a topic relevant to their professional practice and capable of formal presentation in both oral and written formats. Submission of written products to professional journals will be encouraged.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to improve knowledge and skill about topic selection, time management and presentation of information in both oral and written formats;
  2. to increase the capacity of rural practitioners to identify and document issues of interest to the broader profession.

Assessment by justification of topic (10%); literature review and initial draft outline (40%); final draft (50%).