James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Television 4

Townsville HECS Band 1

52 hours lectures/workshops. Semester 2.

Available to Bachelor of Indigenous Studies students.

The subject is designed to provide students with the practical experience to develop single camera and multi-camera productions, with an emphasis on creative control and management of production. It involves the selection of suitable creative material, research, scripting, preproduction, forming crews, negotiating talent and rights and undertaking location production, editing and basic studio preparation and operation.

Learning Objectives:

  1. the ability to take responsibility for isolating suitable program material and undertaking the research necessary to convert the material into a producible form;
  2. the ability to undertake the necessary production management activities to ensure the production is possible;
  3. the ability to crew and undertake practical single camera location production;
  4. the ability to undertake appropriate post production;
  5. the ability to write short drama scripts.

Assessment by video assignments (50%); production documents (30%); script assessment (20%).