James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Introduction to Media, Law and Ethics

Townsville, Cairns HECS Band 1

13 hours lectures, 13 hours practicals, 13 hours specialist conference. February to April block mode. This subject will be videoconferenced between Townsville and Cairns.

Available to AdvDipIndgStud, DipIndgStud, BIndgStud and other undergraduate students.

Staff: Ms F Onus.

This subject focuses on news journalism and the law and ethics issues relating to the media. Topics covered will include defamation, contempt of court, appropriate handling of news sources and copyright (in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts). The code of practice of the Australian Broadcasting Authority and the media industry’s self regulation documents will be discussed. The Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance code of ethics which relate to reporting and editing in radio, print and television will be covered. Basic communication theory and appropriate protocols for doing media in Indigenous communities will be covered.

Learning Objectives:

  1. ability to analyse communication events using basic communication theory;
  2. learning about media, law and ethics;
  3. acquire knowledge of the various aspects of verbal and non-verbal communication, including paralanguage.

Assessment by attendance (10%); conference report (20%); media journal (20%); examination (30%); off-campus assignment (20%).