The Subversive Genre: The Novel from its Origins to Jane Austen
Townsville | HECS Band 1 |
26 hours lectures, 20 hours seminars/tutorials. Semester 1.
Staff: Professor T Hassall.
This subject includes an account of the origins of the novel from classical times to the 18th century; an exploration of the developing nature of the novel and a detailed study of a representative selection of 18th century English novels.
Learning Objectives:
- an ability to read 18th century English novels;
- a thorough knowledge of the set texts;
- a familiarity with the relevant secondary literature;
- an awareness of the literary, historical, social and political contexts in which the texts were produced;
- advanced essay-writing and literary-critical skills and understanding.
Assessment by two 2,000 word essays (40%); tutorial participation (20%); one three-hour examination (20%).