James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Rural Studies

External HECS Band 1

External by World Wide Web nationally and internationally. Semesternbsp;2. This subject requires access to web-based material. Students wishing to study this subject off-campus should ensure that they are able to access this material. Information on requirements is available from the School of Education.

Available to all Masters students, predominantly those enrolled in the Master of Education.

Staff: Dr D McSwan.

This subject acquaints students with the particular concerns experienced by people living in rural areas. Appropriate theoretical constructs are drawn upon and tested against practical situations. The subject content is illuminated by the results of recent research undertaken in Queensland, other states and where appropriate, abroad. Whilst the emphasis will be on rural communities and rural education, attention will also be given to other professionals e.g. health workers in rural areas.

Learning Objectives:

  1. rurality and economic and demographic trends in inland Australia;
  2. the differences and commonalities between rural and urban schools and communities, rural social and cultural life;
  3. theoretical and practical matters related to teaching multi grades in primary and secondary schools; distance education; technology and communication;
  4. the problems faced by professionals in rural areas.

Assessment by reading log (25%); teletutorial/essay (35%); essay/report (40%).