James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Collaborative Workplace Professional Development

External HECS Band 1

80 hours flexible delivery. External via World Wide Web internationally. Semester 1 (March to June). This subject requires access to Web-based materials therefore students should ensure that they have access to the World Wide Web. Information on requirements is available from the School of Education.

Available to Postgraduate Certificate of Education and Master of Education (Rural Studies) students in Canada.

Staff: Dr K Martinez (JCU); Dr A Kitchenham (MUC).

This subject offers a general framework and specific strategies for collaborative professional development, and is built on the following propositions, which are supported and illustrated by readings and activities: professional practitioners are critical, thoughtful decision makers who approach their work with an inquiry, solution-oriented approach; workplace learning is powerfully shaped by physical, social, economic and political contexts; practitioners produce knowledge in the workplace; action research is an effective method of systematically examining practitioner knowledge; professional competence develops through assisted, autonomous and collaborative levels; collaborative professionals work together in learning communities; collaborative professional development involves support, challenge and advocacy at personal, professional and collective levels; effective workplace collaborative relationships produce benefits for all participants and organisations; effective workplace collaborative relationships involve individual skill development; specific techniques such as critical incident analysis, clinical supervision observation cycles, reflective learning journals, learning conversations, establishment of critical friend relationships contribute to collaborative professional development; effective workplace collaborative relationships require structural, organisational and leadership support.

Students will be expected to critically examine these propositions and apply them to their own workplace. As a major intended outcome of the subject is the development of skills in workplace collaborative professional development, students will be involved in a practicum component, eg.: working with a peer or a beginning practitioner, in a leadership role, as a trainer, as a critical friend, or as a co-inquirer. Establishment and analysis of this practicum, along with a critique of the issues raised by the readings will constitute the assessment of this subject.

Learning Objectives:

  1. demonstrate a critical understanding of the literature on collaborative workplace professional development;
  2. trial a range of skills in implementing particular strategies for collaborative workplace professional development;
  3. show an awareness of contextual conditions that influence effective collaborative workplace professional development;
  4. critically reflect on the ways collaborative workplace professional development influences participants, organisations and learner outcomes;
  5. design, implement, document and critically evaluate a project that utilises a variety of approaches to collaborative workplace professional development.

Assessment by action research project (7,000 words) (100%).