Advanced English and Mathematics Education
Townsville, Cairns, External | HECS Band 1 |
21 hours lectures, 21 hours workshops. Semester 1. External in Semester 1 for RATEP students only.
Compulsory for students undertaking a BEd program in early childhood or primary education.
Staff: Dr I Putt, Dr G Ward (Townsville campus); Dr M Klein, Mr E Wilson (Cairns campus).
This subject will explore pedagogical issues at an advanced level in both literacy and numeracy across the curriculum. Core content comprises the examination and evaluation of current syllabus documents in English and Mathematics and systemic diagnostic instruments such as the Year 2 Net with regard to their contribution to current trends in Queensland education. The subject aims to equip preservice teachers to plan and implement productive pedagogies including new basics and rich tasks.
Learning Objectives:
- explore the integration of literacy and numeracy across all curriculum areas;
- examine issues of access and equity that relate to teaching literacy and numeracy across the curriculum;
- develop a sound conceptual knowledge of pedagogic principles as in new basics framework;
- develop confidence and skills in planning and assessing literacy and numeracy outcomes.
Assessment by:
Language Arts: test on key concepts and reading analysis (25%), individual negotiated contract project (25%); Mathematics: portfolio of tasks (30%), quiz (20%).
Portfolio of integrated tasks and critical pedagogic analyses (100%).