James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Dynamics of Planet Earth

Townsville HECS Band 2

35 hours lectures, 24 hours practicals, 6 hours field work. Semester 1.

Staff: Professor R Henderson, Dr M Rubenach, Dr P Hearty, Dr T Blenkinsop.

An introduction to the processes and products of solid earth dynamics, including an introduction to plate tectonics and earth structure, rock and mineral systematics, igneous and metamorphic rock assemblages and their origins, structural consequences of stress in the lithosphere, landscape degradation through weathering and erosion, the styles of accumulation shown by sediment and sedimentary rocks and environmental Earth Science.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide students with an overview of, and general background in, Earth Science;
  2. to equip students with an appreciation of Earth Science in the temporal context of Earth origins and evolution;
  3. to equip students, at a preliminary level, with the ability to recognise common Earth materials and appreciate the processes by which they were formed;
  4. to provide students with an appreciation of solid Earth processes in the broad context of environmental science.

Assessment by a three-hour examination (60%); practical work (40%).