James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Communication Technologies and Change

Townsville, Cairns HECS Band 1

13 hours lectures, 26 hours practicals. Semester 2. Internal delivery mode (Townsville campus); flexible delivery (video linkage/WWW) (Cairns campus).

Staff: Mr J Gray, Assoc. Professor P Turnbull.

This subject is a core subject in the BA (Communication). However, it is open to all interested students. It examines the social, economic, political and cultural changes surrounding the use of new modes of communication. Students will explore the impact of communication technologies on the social lives of communities and the prospects for access to information. Special attention will be paid to the implications of information technologies for social and ethnic minorities and low-income communities.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understanding of major ideas, concepts and theoretical perspectives bearing on the interplay of communication technologies and change;
  2. knowledge of the impact of new communications on life-ways and culture in differing contemporary contexts;
  3. understand the practical and ethical issues associated with the application of new communication technologies;
  4. enhancement of skills in critical reading and written expression.

Assessment by participation in tutorial workshops (20%); written paper (40%); one three-hour examination (40%).