James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


Women in Film *

Townsville HECS Band 1

26 hours workshops. Semester 1.

Available to all students with 3 units of level 1 subjects. This subject, together with other CN subjects, can form part of a 3-level strand in cinema studies. The lecturer in this subject should be consulted for further details.

Staff: Dr C Mann.

Famous women film actors in some of their best known roles from the silent cinema to the present.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to study classical constitutions of women’s screen roles by Hollywood;
  2. to study examples of resistance to these constitutions;
  3. to consider whether radically new constitutions of femininity on screen are possible;
  4. to develop an awareness of filmic techniques for transmitting meaning;
  5. to develop skills in analysing women’s screen roles in terms of feminist theory while paying due attention to filmic techniques.

Assessment by two minor assignments (20%); class participation (20%); one major assignment (30%); one three-hour end-of-semester examination (30%).

* Offered in odd-numbered years