Independent Project and Dissertation
Townsville, Cairns | HECS Band 2 |
This subject requires 20-24 weeks of directed study on a research topic during which period regular contact will be maintained with the project supervisor. Full year.
Available to postgraduate students enrolled in the School of Tropical Biology.
Staff: Assoc. Professor D Blair, Assoc. Professor R Coventry (Townsville campus); Assoc. Professor P Gadek (Cairns campus).
This subject constitutes a research project representing full-time study for a period of one and a half semesters (20-24 weeks). In consultation with the Course Coordinator and an appropriate supervisor, the candidate will design a project and prepare a research proposal. The candidate will then undertake appropriate field or laboratory work, analyse the results and report the scientific findings in a dissertation. Results may also be presented to other students and staff in a seminar of about 20-30 minutes duration. Some candidates may be based at an off-campus research institution, in which case arrangements will be made for joint supervision involving a staff member from the School and one from the collaborating institution.
Learning Objectives:
Assessment of a scientific dissertation by two independent examiners (100%).