Maritime Archaeology Minor Thesis *
Townsville | HECS Band 1 |
A minimum of 13 hours supervision. Limited Attendance, Semester 1.
Students must have completed a Graduate Diploma in Maritime Archaeology (JCU or Flinders).
Staff: Dr M Gibbs, Dr D Roe.
The minor thesis will be based on an agreed topic and problem of archaeological significance arising from the student’s previous research and analysis of collections and wreck sites based at the WA Maritime Museum. The Museum Practicum comprises the second half of the Graduate Diploma in maritime Archaeology; the prerequisite for enrolments in the Masters in Maritime Archaeology. The topic will comprise a research thesis of approximately 20,000 words and will aim to foster and progress critical analysis of a substantive issue of relevance to archaeological theory, methods or techniques at masters standing. The thesis will be supervised in the normal manner of a research thesis.
Learning Objectives:
- the ability to analyse and critically evaluate maritime archaeology, underwater archaeology and underwater cultural heritage management practices as they have changed over the past thirty years and as they are practised today;
- understanding the place and role of maritime archaeology as a sub-discipline of archaeology and in the interpretation of maritime sub-cultures as well as cultures in the wider context;
- develop extensive practical skills in conducting maritime archaeological and/or underwater archaeological fieldwork including photography, surveying, measurement and recording of underwater and maritime archaeological sites and artifacts;
- the ability to select an area of research, conduct a focussed research project and write a research minor thesis (18,000-20,000 words) arising from that project.
The minor thesis will be assessed by two examiners (one internal and one external to the University).
* Offered in odd-numbered years