1.1 The graduate degrees shall be:
Master of Advanced Nursing Practice | MAdvNursPrac |
Master of Biomedical Sciences | MBiomedSc |
Master of Health Science | MHlthSc |
Master of Mental Health Nursing* | MMentHlthNurs |
Master of Nursing Science | MNSc |
Master of Nursing Studies* | MNStud |
Master of Occupational Therapy | MOccThy |
Master of Pharmacy | MPharm |
Master of Public Health | MPH |
Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine | MPH&TM |
Master of Rural and Remote Medicine | MR&RM |
Master of Tropical Animal Science | MTAnimSc |
Master of Tropical Veterinary Science | MTVSc |
1.2 There shall be awards of:
Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences | GCertBiomedSc |
Graduate Certificate of Health Science* | GCertHlthSc |
Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health | GCertForensicMentHlth |
Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal Science | GCertTAnimSc |
Graduate Certificate of Tropical Veterinary Science | GCertTVSc |
Postgraduate Certificate of Allied Health Sciences | PGCertAllHlthSc |
Postgraduate Certificate of Clinical Population Health | PGCertClinPopHlth |
Postgraduate Certificate of Infection Control | PGCertInfectCont |
Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Advanced Clinical Practice) | PGCertNSc(AdvClinPrac) |
Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing) | PGCertNSc(CardNurs) |
Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Care of the Aged) | PGCertNSc(CareAged) |
Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Clinical Teaching) | PGCertNSc(ClinTeach) |
Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Intensive Care) | PGCertNSc(IntCare) |
Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Perioperative Care) | PGCertNSc(PeriOpCare) |
Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Rural and Remote)* | PGCertNSc(R&R) |
Postgraduate Certificate of Travel Medicine | PGCertTravMed |
Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine | DPH&TM |
Postgraduate Diploma of Mental Health Nursing* | PGDipMentHlthNurs |
Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery | PGDipMid |
Postgraduate Diploma of Neonatology | PGDipNeonat |
Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Science (Critical Care) | PGDipNSc(CritCare) |
Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine | PGDipPH&TM |
Postgraduate Diploma of Rural and Remote Medicine | PGDipR&RM |
Postgraduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene | PGDipTM&H |
Graduate Diploma of Assistive Technology | GDipAssistTech |
Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences | GDipBiomedSc |
Graduate Diploma of Forensic Mental Health | GDipForensicMentHlth |
Graduate Diploma of Health Science | GDipHlthSc |
Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal Science | GDipTAnimSc |
Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary Science | GDipTVSc |
1.3 Joint degrees shall be:
Master of Public HealthMaster of Business Administration | MPH-MBA |
1.4 Higher Doctorate awards associated with this Faculty are:
Doctor of Medicine | MD |
Doctor of Public Health | DrPH |
(Award requirements are shown on pages 71-73. |
1. For re-named awards, continuing students enrolled in the previous award be permitted to continue in the previous award or transfer to the re-named award.
2. For disestablished awards, continuing students enrolled in the previous award be permitted to continue in the previous award or transfer to another award as approved by the appropriate Executive Dean or delegate.
3. For re-named awards and disestablished awards, commencing students not be permitted to enrol in the previous award.
4. For suspended awards or not offered awards, continuing students be permitted to continue but commencing students not be permitted to enrol for the period of suspension or not offering.
1. The Master of Advanced Nursing Practice may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A person may enrol for the Master of Advanced Nursing Practice if that person is registered as a nurse in Queensland or elsewhere in Australia and has:
2.1 completed 12 months of clinical experience as a registered
2.2 qualified for a Bachelor degree at this or another University
in a health related field at a standard considered appropriate by
the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences; or
2.3 qualifications recognised by the Head of the School of Nursing
Sciences and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health
and Molecular Sciences as equivalent to Requirement 2.2; or
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such evidence of professional
attainments including professional experience in nursing as meets
with the approval of the faculty on the recommendation of the Head
of the School of Nursing Sciences.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be 18 months of full-time study or part-time equivalent.
4. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, report papers, viva voce examinations, tutorial presentations, project report and assessment of clinical practice.
6. A student who has passed a postgraduate subject or subjects at this University or at another recognised institute of higher education which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a subject offered in the course may be granted credit for that subject up to a maximum of 12 units.
7. A student who has complied with the provision of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Master of Advanced Nursing Practice.
1. The degree of Master of Biomedical Sciences may be undertaken in the schools, institutes and centres in the faculty listed in Schedule A below. The degree will be awarded in recognition of research or alternatively for adequate progress in formal coursework with or without research.
2. A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Biomedical Sciences if that person has:
2.1 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of
Biomedical Sciences
with Honours of this University with Class I or Class II Honours;
2.2 qualified at this University for a Postgraduate
or Graduate Diploma in a science, biomedical or health related field
considered suitable by the Head of the School in which the enrolment
is registered; or
2.3 obtained from this or another university,
qualifications approved
by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1 or 2.2; or
2.4 passed such qualifying examinations, at least
one year subsequent to qualifying for a bachelor degree (as set
out in Requirement 2.1) or its equivalent, as may be determined
by the faculty on the recommendation of the appropriate Head of
School; or
2.5 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainments as meets the approval
of the faculty on the recommendation of the appropriate Head of
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or a part-time student by the faculty upon recommendation of the Head of School in which the candidate is to be registered.
4. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study, or two years of part-time study.
5.1 Supervision of candidates
Before permitting a person to enrol for the degree, the faculty shall be satisfied that adequate facilities are available for the studies proposed.
5.2 A student when enrolled, shall be registered in the appropriate school and assigned to a supervisor who shall be a member of the academic staff. One or more associate supervisors may be appointed on account of their special knowledge of the students approved program of study or in order to ensure effective supervision of the candidate during any periods spent external to the University.
5.3 Unless specialist supervision in the particular field of study can be provided by the University, study in an environment external to the University will not be acceptable as a basis for registration for the degree.
5.4 Part-time students must attend the University as required by their supervisors and approved by the faculty. Applications for enrolment will be considered only if the faculty is satisfied that the attendance requirement can be met.
5.5 Periodically the supervisor may be requested by the Head of School to report on the students work. If, in the opinion of the Head of School, the students progress is unsatisfactory the Head may advise the faculty, which may terminate the candidature or take such action as it deems necessary.
5.6 A student may be required by the Head of School to attend specified courses of study.
6.1 Evaluation predominantly by thesis
Duration and progress
6.1 6.1 The student shall undertake a course of study and/or research leading to the submission of a thesis for examination. The thesis may not be submitted by a student earlier than one calendar year nor later than two (for a full-time student) or four (for a part-time student) calendar years after enrolment, except in special circumstances the faculty may grant an extension of the relevant period.
6.2 A minor portion of the thesis may cover work undertaken before enrolment provided that this work has not been used in gaining another academic qualification.
6.3 Published contributions may be submitted to support or to form part of the thesis.
6.4 Students should present a progress seminar to members of the relevant school within six months of enrolment. The Head of School will report to the Executive Dean. All students are to present a progress report at the completion of each 12 months of candidature unless the thesis is ready for submission within eight weeks of this period.
6.5 Students may with the discretion of the Executive Dean, on the advice of the appropriate school, be granted an extension or suspension of candidature. The period of extension normally will be up to 6 months for a full-time and 12 months for a part-time student. Suspension of candidature normally will not exceed 12 months.
6.6 6.6 On completion of the thesis*, an original and two copies of the thesis, together with any separate published material, shall be submitted to the Registrar of the University.
6.7 The faculty, on the advice of the Head of School in which the student is registered, shall appoint two examiners of whom at least one shall be external to the University.
6.8 The faculty, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the student to undertake a written or an oral examination or both.
6.9 The faculty, on considering the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, refuse the degree, appoint another examiner or require the student to resubmit the thesis either re-written or including further research material. A student who fails to satisfy the examiners after resubmission of the thesis, shall not again be eligible for candidature for a Masters degree in the same discipline.
6.10 If the degree is awarded, the original of the thesis and any published supporting material shall be kept in the University Library and at least one copy of the thesis and supporting material shall be returned to the student.
6.11 The grade awarded to the degree is to be pass or fail only.
6.12 All corrections, if requested, are to be made:
6.12.1 if minor within three months of the date of
despatch of the advice to the student;
6.12.2 if major within 12 months of the date of despatch
of the advice to the student.
6.13 Award of the degree will be conferred when the following condition has been met: an acid-free copy of the thesis plus supporting documentation has been presented; that it has been deposited in the Library or a written guarantee has been provided by the school concerned that the said school holds all the material necessary for preparation of said copy.
7.1 Evaluation predominantly by coursework
The student shall undertake a prescribed course of study for at least one academic year with a maximum period of two (for a full-time student) or four (for a part-time student) calendar years after enrolment and have satisfied written, practical and other examination requirements designated by the Head of School and approved by the faculty. The submission of the original and two copies of a dissertation on an approved research topic may be required as part of the examination.
7.2 The Head of School in which the student is registered shall nominate and forward to the Executive Dean, for approval and transmission to the Registrar for appointment, the names of two examiners and their qualifications.
7.3 The faculty, on considering the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, refuse the degree or require the student to submit to further examination.
7.4 Before re-assessment, which will be within a period not exceeding one calendar year, the student may be required to:
7.4.1 pursue a program of additional study;
7.4.2 resubmit the dissertation, either written or
including further research material.
A student who fails to satisfy the examiners
at the second attempt shall not again be eligible for candidature
for a Masters degree in the same
7.5 If the degree is awarded, the original of any dissertations shall be kept in the University Library, in accordance with Requirement 6.13 and at least one copy shall be returned to the student.
8. A student who has complied with Requirements 1 to 5 and either Requirement 6 or 7, together with all other relevant Statutes and Requirements, shall be recommended for the award of Master of Biomedical Sciences.
Biomedical and Molecular
Public Health and Tropical
InstitutesAustralian Institute
of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
Institute of Sport and
Exercise Science
1. The Master of Health Science may be undertaken in the Schools listed in Schedule A below.
2. To qualify for the award a student shall pursue studies according to the course of studies prescribed in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
3. A candidate may enrol for the Master of Health Science if that candidate:
3.1 has successfully completed the requirements
of the Graduate Diploma of Health Science; or
3.2 has qualified for an appropriate Bachelor degree
at this or another University in a relevant health discipline and
has at least five years work experience in relevant health related
4. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 36 units. The normal period of candidature shall be two years of full-time study or four years of part-time study. Some programs of study may only be available part-time. The 24 units of study completed to fulfil the requirements of the Graduate Diploma may be credited towards the Master of Health Science.
5. Students with a Bachelor degree in a relevant health discipline and at least five years experience in relevant health related activities may, at the discretion of the Executive Dean in consultation with the relevant Head of School, be granted credit up to a maximum of 12 units of study.
6. A student will be required to surrender the award of Graduate Diploma of Health Science before the award of Master of Health Science is conferred.
Biomedical and Molecular
Nursing Sciences
Public Health and Tropical
The course is suspended until December 2004. A review into the viability of offering the course will be carried out during the period of suspension.
1. The Master of Nursing Science may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A person may enrol for a Master of Nursing Science if they are a registered nurse, eligible for registration in Queensland and hold an Honours degree in nursing or equivalent.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time or part-time student by the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences.
4. The minimum period of candidature shall be 18 months (three semesters).
5. The assessment procedure will include the completion of a thesis (60,000 words).
6. A student who has complied with the provisions of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Master of Nursing Science.
1. The Master of Nursing Studies may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A person may enrol for a Master of Nursing Studies, if that person:
2.1 is a registered nurse or eligible for registration
as a nurse in Queensland or elsewhere and holds a degree, a graduate
certificate, a graduate diploma, or equivalent; or
2.2 has submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainments as meets with the
approval of the Head of the School of Nursing
3. Candidates with a Bachelor degree in nursing and at least five years experience may, at the discretion of the Executive Dean in consultation with the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, be granted credit up to a maximum of 12 units of study.
4. A student shall be designated as a full-time or part-time candidate by the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences.
5. The minimum period of candidature shall be over three semesters.
6. Assessment procedures will include the following: assignments, presentations, examinations and a thesis.
7. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed a postgraduate subject, at this University or another institute of higher education recognised by the faculty, which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to the subjects offered in the course may be granted credit for those subjects up to a maximum of 12 units.
8. A student may be able to choose a maximum of three elective subjects from outside the School of Nursing Sciences with the permission of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences.
9. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
10. A student who has complied with the provision of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Master of Nursing Studies.
1. Enrolment in the degree
The degree of Master of Occupational Therapy may be undertaken in the Occupational Therapy discipline of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. The degree shall be awarded in recognition of research or alternatively for adequate progress in formal coursework (which may include a research component).
2. A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Occupational Therapy if that person has:
Research option2.1 qualified for a Bachelors degree
with Honours of this University with Class I or Class II Honours
in a discipline deemed suitable by the Head of the discipline of Occupational
Therapy; or
2.2 obtained from this or another University, a
qualification approved by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1;
2.3 passed such qualifying examinations, at least
one year subsequent to qualifying for an appropriate Bachelors degree,
as may be determined by the faculty on recommendation of the Head
of the discipline of Occupational Therapy; or
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainment as meets with the approval
of the faculty.
Coursework/dissertation option2.5 qualified for a Bachelors degree
of this University in a discipline deemed suitable by the Head of
the discipline of Occupational Therapy; or
2.6 obtained from this or another University, a
qualification approved by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.5;
2.7 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainment as meets with the approval
of the faculty.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty upon recommendation of the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy.
4. Requirements for the degree
A candidate for the degree may undertake either the research option or the coursework and dissertation option.
Research Option4.1 A student for the degree shall undertake a
course of study leading to the submission of a thesis for
Coursework/dissertation option4.2 A student for the degree shall pursue studies
with the approval of the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy
to obtain a minimum of 36 units, including at least 12 units from
postgraduate Occupational Therapy subjects shown under Postgraduate
5.1 Supervision of candidates
Before permitting a candidate to enrol for the degree, the faculty shall be satisfied that adequate facilities are available for the studies proposed.
5.2 A student when enrolled, shall be registered in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and be assigned to a supervisor, who shall be a member of the academic staff and a research student monitor, nominated by the faculty.
5.3 Unless specialist supervision in the particular field of study can be provided by the University, study in an environment external to the University will not be acceptable as a basis for registration for the degree.
5.4 Part-time students must attend the University as required by their supervisor and approved by the faculty. Applications for enrolment will be considered only if the faculty is satisfied that the attendance requirements can be met.
5.5 Periodically the supervisor may be requested by the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy to report on the students work. If, in the opinion of the Head, the students progress is unsatisfactory, the Head may advise the faculty, which may terminate the candidature or take such other action as it deems necessary.
5.6 A student may be required by the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy to enrol in additional subjects.
6. Confirmation of Candidature
The following requirements shall apply to the research degree:
6.1 the student shall orally present a seminar on the Masters work and submit a substantive piece (or pieces) of writing related to the project to the supervisor(s) and Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy for approval:
(a) within the first six months of enrolment for
a full-time student; or
(b) within 12 months of enrolment for a part-time student;
(c) the students supervisor(s), Head
of the discipline of Occupational Therapy and research student monitor must
attend a seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the
6.2 the student shall present seven days before
the seminar, to the Chair of the BPSC through the supervisor and Head
of the discipline of Occupational Therapy, a 2,000 word project
proposal including the aims, methodology, progress to date and any
other academic and/or artistic issues arising from the
program of work;
6.3 the seminar presentation and the written statement on the Masters work shall be reported upon as follows:
(a) by the supervisor through the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy and the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine to the BPSC; and
(b) by the students research student
6.4 the BPSC shall then approve one of the following:
(a) confirmation of candidature;
(b) confirmation of candidature together with
additional specified
work requirements;
(c) termination of
6.5 the decision of the BPSC shall be conveyed
in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together
with advice of the students right of appeal according
to Requirement 7.
7. Appeal
Appeals and grievances shall be handled in accordance with the following:
7.1 a student affected by a decision of the faculty
pursuant to these award requirements may appeal against the decision.
Such appeal shall be instituted by a notice in writing setting out
the grounds for the appeal and shall be submitted to the Registrar
within 28 days of the notification to the student of the decision
appealed from;
7.2 the Appeal shall be determined by an Appeal
Panel of the Board of Postgraduate Studies;
7.3 the Appeal Panel shall consist of the Chair,
Academic Board (or nominee) (Chair) and four members chosen by the
Standing Committee of the Academic Board;
7.4 the Appeal Panel shall consider only:
(a) the grounds of the request for the appeal;
(b) any documents relevant to the decision against which
the candidate has appealed;
(c) such further material as the Appeal Panel may,
in the exercise of its discretion, permit to be placed before it
if it considers it necessary or desirable in the interests of justice
to do so;
7.5 the student shall have the right to be heard
in person or to make submissions in writing; and to be represented
by the Union Educational Coordinator, the Union Welfare Coordinator,
or another member of the University community, provided that any
student to be so represented must notify the Registrar at least
48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal;
7.6 the Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow
or dismiss an appeal against the decision; or vary the decision
of the faculty;
7.7 the Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify
the Registrar forthwith of its decision and reasons and the Registrar shall
notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panels
7.8 the Appeal Panels decision shall
be final.
8. Period of candidature
A full-time student shall complete the requirements for the degree normally in one calendar year for the coursework and dissertation option and two calendar years for the research option. A part-time student shall complete the requirements for the degree normally in two calendar years for the coursework and dissertation option and four calendar years for the research option. The maximum period of candidature will be three calendar years of full-time study.
9. Credit for other studies
If the coursework and dissertation option is taken, credit may be granted for:
9.1 subjects completed in the Graduate Diploma
of Assistive Technology if transfer to the Master of Occupational Therapy
is made after formal completion of requirements of the Graduate
Diploma but prior to the award of the Graduate Diploma;
9.2 equivalent subjects completed at this or another
institution of higher education, to a maximum of 12
10. Exemption for other studies/clinical experience
Credit may be granted by the Executive Dean on recommendation of the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy for a maximum of 12 units for graduates in a relevant discipline with four years or more of undergraduate and/or postgraduate study and appropriate professional experience.
11. Evaluation by research option
Evaluation of the thesis for a Master of Occupational Therapy by research degree shall be administered through the Research Students Office and meet all the requirements of the faculty:
11.1 on completion of the thesis an original and
two copies of the thesis, together with any separate published material, shall
be submitted to the Registrar of the University;
11.2 the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the
Occupational Therapy Unit and the Head of the School of Public Health
and Tropical Medicine, shall appoint two examiners of whom at least
one shall be external to the University;
11.3 the faculty, on the recommendation of the examiners, may
require the student to undertake a written or an oral examination
or both;
11.4 the faculty, on considering the reports of
the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, refuse the degree,
appoint another examiner or require the student to resubmit the
thesis either re-written or including further research material.
A student who fails to satisfy the examiners after resubmission
of the thesis, shall not again be eligible for candidature for a
Masters degree in the same discipline;
11.5 the degree may be conferred only when the acid
free copy of the thesis has been deposited in the Library or a written
guarantee has been provided by the Head of the School of Public
Health and Tropical Medicine that the School holds all the material
necessary for preparation of the required copy of the
12. Award with Honours
Where the quality of the thesis and research or coursework and dissertation is at a level of high distinction, the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy discipline may recommend the award of a Master of Occupational Therapy with Honours.
1. The degree of Master of Pharmacy may be undertaken in the School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences. The degree will be awarded in recognition of research.
2. A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Pharmacy if that person has:
2.1 qualified at this University for the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy
with Class I or Class II Honours; or
2.2 qualified at this University for a Postgraduate or Graduate
Diploma in a science, biomedical or health related field considered
suitable by the Head of the School; or
2.3 obtained from this or another University, qualifications deemed
to be equivalent by the Head of School and the Dean of Postgraduate
3. Approval of course of study
Each candidates personal course of study and any modifications of that course shall require the approval of the Head of School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences and the Board of Postgraduate Studies Committee (BPSC).
4. Duration of candidature
The candidate shall undertake a course of study leading to the submission of a thesis for examination. The thesis may not normally be submitted earlier than one calendar year nor later than two (for a full-time candidate) or four (for a part-time candidate) calendar years after enrolment, except that in special circumstances the BPSC may grant an extension of the relevant period.
The University will not normally accept a candidate who has been enrolled at another institution for more than one year (full-time equivalent) or release a candidate who has been enrolled for more than one year (full-time equivalent).
5.1 Supervision
The relevant faculty shall appoint for each candidate a Supervisory Committee which shall be a group convened to support the Principal Supervisor, as Chair of the Committee, and the Head of the School in their supervision of a candidate.
The Head of School shall nominate, at the time of enrolment, a replacement Supervisor, who is a member of the Supervisory Committee as a Co-Supervisor or Associate Supervisor, and who is eligible to assume the role of Chair, if the Principal Supervisor leaves the University.
Members of the Supervisory Committee shall:
5.1.1 be members (or adjunct members) of the Universitys academic
and research staff in a school in which the candidate is enrolled
and be listed on the Register of Supervisors or other persons with
expertise appropriate to, but not necessarily or specifically in,
the candidates research area;
5.1.2 not be near relatives or partners of the candidate. If such
arise during the candidature, this shall result in consequential
changes to the membership of the Supervisory
5.2 The Supervisory Committee shall include:
5.2.1 a Chair (ie the Principal Supervisor), who shall be a member
(or adjunct member) of the Universitys academic and research
staff in a school in which the candidate is enrolled and be listed
on the Register of Supervisors at the appropriate level;
5.2.2 the Head of the School (or nominee);
5.2.3 the Head of Discipline (if appropriate);
5.2.4 the Research Student Monitor nominated by the faculty; and
5.2.5 other Co-supervisors or Associate Supervisors as approved
by the faculty.
5.3 The full Supervisory Committee shall participate in the confirmation of candidature and exit seminar processes. The day-to-day management of the candidature shall be performed by the Principal Supervisor (and any Co-supervisors or Associate Supervisors) under the direction of the Head of School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences.
6.1 Confirmation of candidature
The candidate shall apply to have their candidature confirmed:
6.1.1 normally within the first four months of enrolment for a full-time
candidate; or
6.1.2 normally within the first eight months of enrolment for a part-time
6.2 The candidate shall present seven days before the seminar, to the Chair of the BPSC through the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School, a 2000 word project proposal including the aims, methodology, budget, timeline, progress to date and any other academic issues arising from the program of work, together with a second piece of substantive written work, usually a literature review.
6.3 The candidate shall orally present a seminar on the work. The candidates Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.
6.4 The seminar presentation and the proposal shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BPSC.
6.5 In considering the reports on the seminar presentation the BPSC may interview the candidate, and if appropriate, members of the Supervisory Committee, and any other relevant person.
6.6 The BPSC may make suggestions to the candidate as to how the research might be improved and may seek independent peer review. The Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School shall also be informed of such suggestions. The advice provided need not necessarily be accepted by the candidate.
6.7 The BPSC shall approve one of the following:
6.7.1 confirmation of candidature;
6.7.2 confirmation of candidature with additional specified work
requirements; or
6.7.3 termination of candidature.
6.8 The decision of the BPSC shall be conveyed to the candidate in writing within 14 days of the date of the decision with advice of the candidates right of appeal according to Requirement 11 below.
7.1 Generic skills training
A candidate shall normally be expected to undertake a program of transferable (generic) skills training as detailed in the Handbook for Research Higher Degree Students.
7.2 A candidate must develop an individual program in collaboration with the Principal Supervisor, the Co-supervisor and any Associate Supervisors as soon as possible after the commencement of candidature to reflect the candidates research training needs and career aspirations.
7.3 A candidates progress shall be reviewed as part of the confirmation of candidature, annual reporting and exit seminar processes.
8.1 Progress reports
A progress report must be submitted by a candidate annually. The report shall be on the prescribed form which shall be forwarded to the candidate by the Registrar.
8.2 The completed form shall bear the comments of the candidate, the Principal Supervisor and the Head of the School (or nominee).
8.3 In the event of problems being identified in the report, the candidates progress shall be formally monitored by the Head of School for a prescribed period.
8.4 In the event of an unsatisfactory progress report, the BPSC shall interview the candidate and/or the Principal Supervisor and recommend one of the following:
8.4.1 candidature be approved to continue;
8.4.2 reconsideration of candidature subject to work undertaken
to the satisfaction of the Supervisory Committee and the BPSC; or
8.4.3 termination of candidature.
8.5 The recommendation shall be conveyed in writing to the candidate within 14 days of the date of the decision together with advice of the candidates right of appeal according to Requirement 11 below.
9.1 Final year (exit) seminar presentation
A candidate shall at a seminar present an overview and synthesis of major findings of the thesis in a public forum during the final year of candidature. The candidates Supervisory Committee (or their nominees) must attend the seminar and meet after the seminar to discuss the outcome.
9.2 The seminar presentation on the work shall be reported upon by the members of the Supervisory Committee in a combined report to the BPSC.
9.3 The BPSC shall then approve one of the following:
9.3.1 that the research is of a standard and extent appropriate for
submission as a thesis; or
9.3.2 that further research work is
10.1 Thesis examination
At the appropriate time for each candidate, the BPSC shall appoint two examiners. At least one examiner shall be external to the University. No member of the Supervisory Committee may be an examiner. On receipt of the examiners reports the BPSC shall recommend:
10.1.1 that the degree be awarded; or
10.1.2 that the degree be awarded subject to such minor amendments
to the thesis as the examiners may suggest; or
10.1.3 that the degree be not awarded but that the candidate be allowed
to resubmit the thesis or take such further examination as the BPSC
shall prescribe; or
10.1.4 that the degree be not awarded.
10.2 The degree may be conferred only when a final unbound copy, and normally a PDF file, of the thesis have been deposited in the Library or a written guarantee has been provided by the appropriate Head of School that the said School holds all the material necessary for the preparation of these copies.
11.1 Appeal
A candidate affected by a decision of the BPSC pursuant to the Masters by Research Requirements may appeal against the decision. Such appeal shall be instituted by a notice in writing setting out the grounds thereof and shall be submitted to the Registrar within 28 days of the notification to the candidate of the decision appealed from.
11.2 The appeal shall be determined by an Appeal Panel of the BPSC.
11.3 The Appeal Panel shall consist of the Chair, Academic Board (or nominee) (Chair) and four members chosen by the Standing Committee of the Academic Board. Two members of the Appeal Panel shall be postgraduate students chosen in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate Students Association.
11.4 The Appeal Panel shall consider only:
11.4.1 the grounds of the request for the appeal;
11.4.2 any documents relevant to the decision against which the candidate
has appealed;
11.4.3 such further material as the Appeal Panel may, in the exercise
of its discretion, permit to be placed before it if it considers
it necessary or desirable in the interests of justice to do
11.5 The candidate shall have the right to be heard in person or to make submissions in writing; and to be represented by the Student Association Education Coordinator, the Student Association Welfare Coordinator, or another member of the University community, provided that any candidate to be so represented must notify the Registrar at least 48 hours prior to the time set for the appeal.
11.6 The Appeal Panel shall have the power to allow or dismiss an appeal against the decision; or vary the decision of the BPSC.
11.7 The Chair of the Appeal Panel shall notify the Registrar forthwith of its decision and reasons and the Registrar shall notify in writing the student within 14 days of the Appeal Panels decision.
11.8 The Appeal Panels decision shall be final.
12. Granting the award
Candidates who have fulfilled the Requirements of the Masters by Research award in which they are enrolled and have complied with all Statutes and other Requirements applicable to them may be granted the Award.
1. The degree of Master of Public Health may be undertaken in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
2. A person may enrol for a Master of Public Health if that person has:
2.1 qualified for a Bachelors degree
of this University in a relevant discipline as determined by the
Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine; or
2.2 qualified at this University for the Diploma
of Public Health and Tropical Medicine or the Postgraduate Diploma
of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at a standard considered
suitable by the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical
Medicine; or
2.3 obtained from this or another University a
qualification approved by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement
2.1 or 2.2. Applicants may be required to undertake up to two bridging
subjects as determined by the faculty; or
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such other evidence of professional
and academic attainments, including employment for a minimum of
five years in health related activities, as meets the approval of
the faculty on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health
and Tropical Medicine. Applicants may be required to undertake up
to two bridging subjects as determined by the
3. A student shall pursue studies as specified in the Postgraduate Courses to obtain a minimum of 36 units.
4. Students may choose to follow a course of study as shown under the Postgraduate Courses..
5. Students with entry qualifications equivalent to four years or more of undergraduate or postgraduate study, plus a minimum of five years health related professional experience considered suitable by the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, may be granted credit in recognition of prior learning up to a maximum of 12 units of study.
6. A student who has passed a postgraduate subject at this or another University which is deemed by the faculty on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine to be equivalent to the subjects offered in the course may be granted academic credit for those subjects up to a maximum of six units, provided those subjects have not been credited towards any other award either at this or any other University.
7. The maximum amount of credit granted, whether by way of academic credit or credit for prior learning, shall not exceed 18 units.
8. A student shall be designated as a full-time or part-time student by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
9. The minimum period of candidature shall normally be 18 months of full-time study or three years of part-time study but may be reduced by recognition of prior learning or academic credit or both.
10. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
1. The degree of Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine may be undertaken in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
2. A person may enrol for a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine if that person has:
2.1 qualified for a Bachelors degree
of this University in a relevant discipline as determined by the
Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine; or
2.2 qualified at this University for the Diploma
of Public Health and Tropical Medicine or the Postgraduate Diploma
of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at a standard considered
suitable by the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical
Medicine; or
2.3 obtained from this or another University a
qualification approved by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement
2.1 or 2.2. Applicants may be required to undertake up to two bridging
subjects as determined by the faculty; or
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of professional and academic attainments, including employment
for a minimum of five years in health related activities, as meets
the approval of the faculty on the recommendation of the Head of
the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Applicants may
be required to undertake up to two bridging subjects as determined
by the faculty.
3. A student shall pursue studies as specified in the Postgraduate Courses to obtain a minimum of 36 units.
4. Students with entry qualifications equivalent to four years or more of undergraduate or postgraduate study, plus a minimum of five years health related professional experience considered suitable by the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, may be granted credit in recognition of prior learning up to a maximum of 12 units of study.
5. A student who has passed a postgraduate subject at this or another University which is deemed by the faculty on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine to be equivalent to the subjects offered in the course may be granted academic credit for those subjects up to a maximum of six units, provided those subjects have not been credited towards any other award either at this or any other University.
6. The maximum amount of credit granted, whether by way of academic credit or credit for prior learning, shall not exceed 18 units.
7. A student shall be designated as a full-time or part-time student by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
8. The minimum period of candidature shall normally be 18 months of full-time study or three years of part-time study but may be reduced by recognition of prior learning or academic credit or both.
9. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses. The student shall complete all the core subjects and at least three of the elective subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
10. Where the coursework is completed at a grade point average of 6 or above, the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine may recommend the award of a Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine with Distinction.
1. The joint degree shall be administered by Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts.
2. A candidate may enrol for the course if that person satisfies the enrolment requirements of the Master of Public Health and the Master of Business Administration.
3. A student shall pursue studies as specified in Postgraduate Courses to obtain a minimum of 48 units.
4. The requirements of the degree shall normally be completed in two years of full-time study or four years of part-time study.
5. A student who wishes to withdraw from the joint degree and convert their candidature to either the Master of Public Health or Master of Business Administration, must complete the requirements of the degree in which they subsequently enrol.
1. A person may enrol for the Master of Rural and Remote Medicine if that person is a registered medical practitioner in an Australian state and has completed the Postgraduate Diploma of Rural and Remote Medicine, or equivalent as determined by the Executive Dean on the advice of the Dean of the School of Medicine.
2. To qualify for the award of the Master of Rural and Remote Medicine the student must:
2.1 have completed the Postgraduate Diploma of
Rural and Remote Medicine, or equivalent as determined by the Executive
Dean on the advice of the Dean of the School of Medicine; and
2.2 have completed and passed a minimum of 12
subjects selected
from Schedule A set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate
Courses, to a minimum of 36 units. Credit for prior learning of
up to 12 units may be given. Subjects selected must include:
2.2.1 all core subjects as listed;
2.2.2 at least five elective subjects as
2.3 If the student has completed or passed any of the core subjects as part of the Postgraduate Diploma of Rural and Remote Medicine, then another elective subject must be chosen to replace that subject.
3. The normal time of completion of the academic component shall be twelve months of full-time study or up to two years part-time study.
4. Requirements pertaining to postgraduate subject entry, prerequisites and subject combinations which exist at present will apply.
1. Enrolment in the degree
The degree of Master of Tropical Animal Science may be undertaken in the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science and the discipline groups within the School of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences listed in Schedule A below. The degree shall be awarded in recognition of research or alternatively for adequate progress in formal coursework combined with research and/or dissertation.
2. A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Tropical Animal Science if that person has:
Research option2.1 qualified for an appropriate Bachelor degree
with Honours of this University with Class I or Class II Honours
in a discipline deemed suitable by the Director of the Australian
Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science and has at least
two years postgraduate experience; or
2.2 obtained from this or another University,
qualification approved
by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1; or
2.3 passed such qualifying examinations, at least
one year subsequent to qualifying for an appropriate Bachelor degree,
as may be determined by the faculty on the recommendation of the
Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and
Animal Science; or
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainments as meets with
the approval of the faculty.
Coursework and dissertation option2.5 qualified for an appropriate Bachelor degree
of this University in a discipline deemed suitable by the Director of
the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science;
2.6 obtained from this or another University,
qualification approved
by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 2.1; or
2.7 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainments as meets with
the approval of the faculty.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty upon recommendation of the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science.
4. Requirements for the degree
A candidate for the degree may undertake either the research option or the coursework and dissertation option.
Research option4.1 A student for the degree shall undertake a
course of study leading to the submission of a thesis for
Coursework and dissertation option4.2 A student for the degree shall pursue studies
to obtain a minimum of 36 units, including three core subjects plus a
minimum of three elective subjects set out in the specified program
shown under Postgraduate Courses, or as otherwise approved by the
Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and
Animal Science.
4.3 Students with entry qualifications equivalent to four years
or more of undergraduate and postgraduate study, plus a minimum
of five years relevant professional experience considered suitable
by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary
and Animal Science may be granted credit up to a maximum of 12 units
of study.
5.1 Supervision of candidates
Before permitting a person to enrol for the degree, the faculty shall be satisfied that adequate facilities are available for the studies proposed.
5.2 A student, when enrolled, shall be assigned to a supervisor who shall be a member of the academic staff. One or more associate supervisors may be appointed on account of their special knowledge of the students approved program of study or in order to ensure effective supervision of the student during any periods spent external to the University.
5.3 Unless specialist supervision in the particular field of study can be provided by the University, study in an environment external to the University will not be acceptable as a basis for registration for the degree.
5.4 Part-time students must attend the University as required by their supervisors and approved by the faculty. Applications for enrolment will be considered only if the faculty is satisfied that the attendance requirements can be met.
5.5 Periodically the supervisor may be requested by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science to report on the students work. If, in the opinion of the Director, the students progress is unsatisfactory the Director may advise the faculty, which may terminate the candidature or take such other action as it deems necessary.
5.6 A student may be required by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science to enrol in additional subjects.
6. Period of candidature
A full-time student shall complete the requirements for the degree normally in one calendar year for the coursework and dissertation option and two calendar years for the research option. A part-time student shall complete the requirements for the degree normally in two calendar years for the coursework and dissertation option and four calendar years for the research option. The maximum period of candidature will be three calendar years of full-time study.
7. Credit for other studies
If the coursework and dissertation option is taken, credit may be granted for:
7.1 subjects completed in the Graduate Diploma,
or Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal Science at the University,
to a maximum of 18 units if transfer to the Master of Tropical Animal
Science degree program is made after formal completion of requirements
of the Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate but prior to the
award of the Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate; or
7.2 subjects completed in the Graduate Diploma
or Graduate Certificate, after the award of the Graduate Diploma
or Graduate Certificate, at the discretion of the Executive Dean
on the advice of the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical
Veterinary and Animal Science; or
7.3 equivalent subjects completed at this or another
institution of higher education, to a maximum of 12
8. Exemption for other studies
Credit may be granted for a maximum of six units for relevant subjects completed at the undergraduate level provided that additional postgraduate subjects approved by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science are completed to bring to 24 the total units completed for the degree.
9.1 Evaluation by research option
On completion of the thesis* an original and two copies of the thesis, together with any separate published material, shall be submitted to the Registrar of the University.
9.2 The faculty, on the advice of the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science shall appoint two examiners of whom at least one shall be external to the University.
9.3 The faculty, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the candidate to undertake a written or an oral examination or both.
9.4 The faculty, on considering the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, refuse the degree, appoint another examiner or require the student to resubmit the thesis either re-written or including further research material. A student who fails to satisfy the examiners after resubmission of the thesis, shall not again be eligible for candidature for a Masters degree in the same discipline.
9.5 The grade awarded for the overall degree shall be pass or fail only.
9.6 All corrections to the thesis, if requested, to be made:
9.6.1 if minor, within three months of the date of
despatch of the advice to the student; or
9.6.2 if major, within 6 months of the date of despatch
of the advice to the student.
9.7 The degree may be conferred only when the following condition has been met: an acid free copy plus supporting documentation of the thesis has been deposited in the library or a written guarantee has been provided by the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science that the said Institute holds all the material necessary for preparation of said copy.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
1. Enrolment in the degree
The degree of Master of Tropical Veterinary Science may be undertaken in the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science and discipline groups within the School of Biomedical Sciences listed in Schedule A below. The degree shall be awarded in recognition of research or alternatively for adequate progress in formal coursework combined with research and/or dissertation.
2. A person may enrol for the degree of Master of Tropical Veterinary Science if that person has:
Research option2.1 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary
Science with Class I or Class II Honours or an equivalent qualification
approved by the faculty, and has at least two years postgraduate
experience; or
2.2 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainments as meets with
the approval of the faculty;
Coursework and dissertation option2.3 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary
Science or an equivalent qualification approved by the faculty;
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of academic and professional attainments as meets with
the approval of the faculty.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty upon recommendation of the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science.
4. Requirements for the degree
A candidate for the degree may undertake either the research option or the coursework and dissertation option.
Research option4.1 A student for the degree shall undertake a
course of study leading to the submission of a thesis for
Coursework and dissertation option4.2 A student for the degree shall pursue studies
to obtain a minimum of 36 units, including three core subjects plus a
minimum of three elective subjects set out in the specified program
shown under Postgraduate Courses, or as otherwise approved by the
Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and
Animal Science.
4.3 Students with entry qualifications equivalent to four years
or more of undergraduate and postgraduate study, plus a minimum
of five years relevant professional experience considered suitable
by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary
and Animal Science may be granted credit up to a maximum of 12 units
of study.
5.1 Supervision of candidates
Before permitting a person to enrol for the degree, the faculty shall be satisfied that adequate facilities are available for the studies proposed.
5.2 A student, when enrolled, shall be assigned to a supervisor who shall be a member of the academic staff. One or more associate supervisors may be appointed on account of their special knowledge of the students approved program of study or in order to ensure effective supervision of the candidate during any periods spent external to the University.
5.3 Unless specialist supervision in the particular field of study can be provided by the University, study in an environment external to the University will not be acceptable as a basis for registration for the degree.
5.4 Part-time students must attend the University as required by their supervisors and approved by the faculty. Applications for enrolment will be considered only if the faculty is satisfied that the attendance requirements can be met.
5.5 Periodically the supervisor may be requested by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science to report on the students work. If, in the opinion of the Director, the students progress is unsatisfactory the Director may advise the faculty, which may terminate the candidature or take such other action as it deems necessary.
5.6 A student may be required by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science to enrol in additional subjects.
6. Period of candidature
A full-time student shall complete the requirements for the degree normally in one calendar year for the coursework and dissertation option and two calendar years for the research option. A part-time student shall complete the requirements for the degree normally in two calendar years for the coursework and dissertation option and four calendar years for the research option. The maximum period of candidature will be three calendar years of full-time study.
7. Credit for other studies
If the coursework and dissertation option is taken, credit may be granted for:
7.1 subjects completed in the Graduate Diploma,
or Graduate Certificate of Tropical Veterinary Science at the University,
to a maximum of 18 units if transfer to the Master of Tropical Veterinary
Science degree program is made after formal completion of requirements
of the Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate but prior to the
award of the Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate; or
7.2 subjects completed in the Graduate Diploma
or Graduate Certificate, after the award of the Graduate Diploma
or Graduate Certificate, at the discretion of the Executive Dean
on the advice of the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical
Veterinary and Animal Science; or
7.3 equivalent subjects completed at this or another
institution of higher education, to a maximum of 12
8. Exemption for other studies
Credit may be granted for a maximum of six units for relevant subjects completed at the undergraduate level provided that additional postgraduate subjects approved by the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science are completed to bring to 24 the total units completed for the degree.
9.1 Evaluation by research option
On completion of the thesis* an original and two copies of the thesis, together with any separate published material, shall be submitted to the Registrar of the University.
9.2 The faculty, on the advice of the Director of the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science shall appoint two examiners of whom at least one shall be external to the University.
9.3 The faculty, on the recommendation of the examiners, may require the student to undertake a written or an oral examination or both.
9.4 The faculty, on considering the reports of the examiners, may recommend the award of the degree, refuse the degree, appoint another examiner or require the student to resubmit the thesis either re-written or including further research material. A student who fails to satisfy the examiners after resubmission of the thesis, shall not again be eligible for candidature for a Masters degree in the same discipline.
9.5 The grade awarded for the overall degree shall be pass or fail only.
9.6 All corrections to the thesis, if requested, to be made:
9.6.1 if minor, within three months of the date of
despatch of the advice to the student; or
9.6.2 if major, within six months of the date of
despatch of the advice to the student.
9.7 The degree may be conferred only when the following condition has been met: an acid free copy plus supporting documentation of the thesis has been deposited in the library or a written guarantee has been provided by the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science that the said Institute holds all the material necessary for preparation of said copy.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
1. The Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences may be undertaken in the discipline groups and institutes within the schools of the faculty listed in Schedule A below. The certificate will be awarded for adequate progress in formal coursework with or without research.
2. A student for the Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences shall follow a course of study, as specified by the appropriate Head of School, to obtain credit for a minimum of 12 units.
3. A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Biomedical Sciences if that person has:
3.1 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of
Biomedical Sciences
or Bachelor of Science or other Bachelors degrees of this
University with at least 12 units of biomedical subjects at level
3; or
3.2 obtained from another university, qualifications approved
by the faculty as equivalent to Requirement 3.1; or
3.3 passed qualifying examinations for a Master
of Biomedical Sciences degree by coursework.
4. A student may be designated as a full-time or part-time student by the faculty upon recommendation of the Head of School in which the student is registered.
5. The maximum period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study.
6. The faculty, on the advice of the examiners, will recommend the award of the certificate by the University.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
- School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
- Institute of Sport and Exercise Science
1. The Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A student for the Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health shall follow a course of study, as specified by the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to obtain credit for a minimum of 12 units.
3. A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health if that person:
3.1 has qualified for an appropriate Bachelor degree at this or another
University in a discipline deemed suitable by the Head of the School
of Nursing Sciences; or
3.2 has qualifications recognised by the faculty as equivalent to
Requirement 3.1; or
3.3 has alternative qualifications approved by the faculty on the
recommendation of the Head of the School of Nursing
4. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 12 units. The normal period of candidature shall be 12 months of part-time study.
5. Credit may be granted for equivalent subjects completed at this or another recognised institution of higher education to a maximum of six units.
This course is suspended until December 2003. During the suspension the core subject NS5103 will not be offered as it will be reviewed and updated.
The Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal Science may be undertaken in the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science and the discipline groups within the School of Biomedical Sciences listed in Schedule A below.
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal Science if that person has:
1.1 qualified for an appropriate bachelor degree
of this University in a discipline deemed suitable by the Director of
the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science;
1.2 qualifications recognised by the faculty as
equivalent to Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty
to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 12 units from the subjects listed in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses. The normal period of candidature shall be one semester of full-time study or two semesters of part-time study.
3. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, and examinations.
4. Credit may be granted for equivalent subjects completed at this or another recognised institution of higher education, to a maximum of three units.
5. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Tropical Animal Science.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
The Graduate Certificate of Tropical Veterinary Science may be undertaken in the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science and the discipline groups within the School of Biomedical Sciences listed in Schedule A below.
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Certificate of Tropical Veterinary Science if that person has:
1.1 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary
Science or an equivalent qualification approved by the faculty;
1.2 qualifications recognised by the faculty as
equivalent to Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty
to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 12 units from the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses. The normal period of candidature shall be one semester of full-time study or two semesters of part-time study.
3. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, and examinations.
4. Credit may be granted for equivalent subjects completed at this or another recognised institution of higher education, to a maximum of three units.
5. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Certificate of Tropical Veterinary Science.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
1. The Postgraduate Certificate of Allied Health Sciences may be undertaken in the discipline of Occupational Therapy.
2. A candidate may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Allied Health Sciences if they hold recognised professional qualifications and are eligible for registration in Queensland or their professional association.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year.
4. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 12 units from the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, research project and report papers, viva voce examination, tutorial presentations, project report and assessment of clinical practice.
6. Credit may be granted for equivalent subjects completed at this or another recognised institution of higher education, to a maximum of three units.
1. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Clinical Population Health if that person:
1.1 has qualified for a medical degree from a medical school approved
by the Executive Dean; or
1.2 has qualified for a bachelor degree in a relevant discipline as
determined by the Executive Dean on the advice of the Director of
the Mt Isa Centre for Rural and Remote
2. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty, upon the recommendation of the Director of the Mt Isa Centre for Rural and Remote Health.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one semester of full-time or equivalent part-time study.
4. A student shall complete all four subjects as detailed in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. A student who has passed a postgraduate subject or subjects at another university which is deemed by the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Director of the Mt Isa Centre for Rural and Remote Health, to be equivalent to a subject or subjects prescribed in the specified program may be granted academic credit up to a maximum of 6 units.
1. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Infection Control if that person has qualified for a medical or nursing degree or other relevant health professional qualification approved by the Executive Dean.
2. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty, upon the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall normally be one semester of full-time study.
4. A student shall complete the three core subjects and at least one of the elective subjects listed in Schedule A as shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, to be equivalent to a subject prescribed in Schedule A, may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty, save that credit granted will not be granted for more than one of the subjects listed in Schedule A.
6. A student may, with the prior approval of the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, complete the requirements of a subject at another institution approved by the University.
7. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Infection Control.
1. The Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Advanced Clinical Practice) may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A candidate may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Advanced Clinical Practice) if he/she is a registered nurse and eligible for registration in Queensland or elsewhere in Australia and has completed a minimum of one year of full-time clinical experience (or part-time equivalent) as a registered nurse. A candidate must hold a degree or equivalent, or be eligible to qualify for entry by exception.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of part-time study.
4. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, research projects, reflective papers, journals, tutorial presentations, project reports, clinical placement.
6. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed a postgraduate subject or subjects at this or another University which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a subject or subjects prescribed in the specified program may be granted credit up to a maximum of 6 units for core subjects.
7. A student who has complied with the provisions of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Advanced Clinical Practice).
1. The Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing) may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A candidate may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Cardiac Nursing) if that candidate is registered as a nurse in Queensland or elsewhere in Australia and has:
2.1 completed 12 months of clinical experience
as a registered nurse;
2.2 qualified for a Bachelor degree at this or
another University in a health related field at a standard considered
appropriate by the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences; or
2.3 qualifications recognised by the Head of the
School of Nursing Sciences and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of
Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences as equivalent to Requirement
2.2; or.
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such evidence of professional
attainments including professional experience in nursing as meets
with the approval of the faculty on the recommendation of the Head
of the School of Nursing Sciences.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of part-time study.
4. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, report papers, viva voce examinations, tutorial presentations, project report and assessment of clinical practice.
6. A student who has passed a postgraduate subject or subjects at this or another University which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a subject or subjects prescribed in the specified program may be granted credit up to a maximum of 6 units for core subjects.
1. The Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Care of the Aged) may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A candidate may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Care of the Aged) if that person:
2.1 is a Registered Nurse in Queensland or elsewhere
in Australia;
2.2 has a Bachelor degree; or
2.3 has qualifications recognised by the Head of
the School of Nursing Sciences to allow enrolment by
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of part-time study.
4. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments, tutorial presentations, project reports, examinations and assessment of clinical work.
6. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed subjects at this or another University, may be granted credit for those subjects by the Executive Dean of the faculty on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, up to a maximum of 6 units for core subjects.
7. A student who has complied with the provision of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Care of the Aged).
1. The Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Clinical Teaching) may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A candidate may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Clinical Teaching) if that person:
2.1 is a Registered Nurse in Queensland or elsewhere
in Australia;
2.2 has a Bachelor degree; or
2.3 has qualifications recognised by the Head of
the School of Nursing Sciences to allow enrolment by
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of part-time study.
4. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects listed in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures will include the following: assignments and assessment of clinical teaching skills.
6. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed a subject at this or another University which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a subject prescribed in the specified program may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty up to a maximum of 6 units for core subjects.
7. A student who has complied with the provision of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Clinical Teaching).
1. The Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Intensive Care) may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A candidate may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Intensive Care) if he/she is registered as a nurse in Queensland or elsewhere in Australia and has:
2.1 completed 12 months of clinical experience
as a registered nurse;
2.2 qualified for a Bachelor degree of this or
another University in a health-related field at a standard considered
appropriate by the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences; or
2.3 qualifications recognised by the Head of the
School of Nursing Sciences and the Executive Dean of the faculty as
equivalent to Requirement 2.2; or
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such evidence
of professional attainments including professional experience in
nursing as meets with the approval of the faculty on the recommendation
of the Head of the School of Nursing
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of part-time study.
4. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects listed in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, research project and report papers, viva voce examinations, tutorial presentations, project report and assessment of clinical practice.
6. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed a postgraduate subject or subjects at this or another University which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a subject or subjects prescribed in the specified program may be granted credit up to a maximum of 6 units for core subjects.
7. A student who has complied with the provisions of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Sciences (Intensive Care).
1. The Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Perioperative Care) may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Perioperative Care) if that person is registered as a nurse in Queensland or elsewhere in Australia and has:
2.1 completed 12 months of clinical experience as a registered
nurse in the intraoperative area;
2.2 qualified for a Bachelor degree of this or another University
in a health-related field at a standard considered appropriate by
the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences; or
2.3 qualifications recognised by the Head of the School of Nursing
Sciences and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health
and Molecular Sciences as equivalent to the conditions of Requirement
2.2; or
2.4 submitted as an exceptional case such evidence of professional
attainments including professional experience in nursing as meets
with the approval of the faculty on the recommendation of the Head
of the School of Nursing Sciences.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of part-time study.
4. A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects listed in Schedule A shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, research project and report papers, viva voce examinations, tutorial presentations, project report and assessment of clinical practice.
6. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed a postgraduate subject or subjects at this or another university which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a subject or subjects prescribed in the specified program may be granted credit up to a maximum of 6 units for core subjects.
7. A student who has complied with the provision of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Nursing Science (Perioperative Care).
The course is suspended until December 2004. A review of the viability of offering the course will be carried out during the period of suspension.
1. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Certificate of Travel Medicine if that person has:
1.1 qualified for a medical or nursing degree approved
by the faculty; or
1.2 qualified for a Bachelor degree in a relevant
discipline as determined by the Head of the School of Public Health and
Tropical Medicine and has at least two years suitable experience
approved by the faculty.
2. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty, upon the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one semester of full-time or equivalent part-time study.
4. A student shall complete the core subjects and at least two of the elective subjects listed in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses or another elective subject approved by the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
4.1 A student who has not completed the subject TM5501 Tropical Medicine as per the specified program,
or equivalent subject at another institution shall be required by
the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine to
include this subject as an elective subject.
5. A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, to be equivalent to a subject prescribed in Schedule A, may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty, save that credit granted will not be granted for more than one of the subjects listed in Schedule A.
6. A student may, with the prior approval of the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, complete the requirements of a subject at another institution approved by the University.
7. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments, clinical placements, clinical logbooks, research project and reports, papers, viva voce examinations, written examinations, tutorial participation and assessment, case presentations and reports and assessment of field work.
8. Except with the approval of the faculty, there will be no re-examination.
9. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Certificate of Travel Medicine.
1. The Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine may be undertaken in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
2. A person may enrol for the Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, if that person has:
2.1 a professional qualification considered relevant
by the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
and a minimum of two years experience in a health field approved
by the faculty on the recommendation of the Head of the School of
Public Health and Tropical Medicine; or
2.2 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of professional attainments including a minimum of five years
experience in a health field as meets with the approval of the faculty
on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health
and Tropical Medicine.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
4. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study, or two years of part-time study.
5. A student shall complete at least three of the core subjects and at least five other subjects listed in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
6. A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, to be equivalent to a subject prescribed in Schedule A below, may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty, save that credit will not be granted for more than one of the subjects listed in Schedule A below.
7. A student may, with the prior approval of the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, complete the requirements of a subject at another institution approved by the University.
8. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments, research project and report, papers, viva voce examinations, written examinations, tutorial participation and assessment, case presentations and reports, and assessment of field or ward work.
9. Except with the approval of the faculty, there will be no re-examination.
10. The Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine shall be awarded in the following classes:
High Distinction
11 A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
The course is suspended until December 2004. A review into the viability of offering the course will be carried out during the period of suspension.
1. The Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery if that person is registered as a nurse in Queensland or elsewhere in Australia and has:
2.1 qualified for a Bachelor degree of this or
another university in a health related field at a standard considered
appropriate by the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences; or
2.2 qualifications recognised by the Head of the
School of Nursing Sciences and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of
Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences as equivalent to Requirement
2.1; or
2.3 submitted as an exceptional case such other
evidence of professional attainments including professional experience
in nursing as meets with the approval of the faculty on the recommendation
of the Head of the School of Nursing
3. A student who is registered as a nurse in Queensland and is currently practising as an endorsed midwife may receive credit up to the value of 12 units and then complete the course of study as prescribed in the Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery course information.
4. A students course of study shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Dean for each year of candidature.
5. The minimum period of candidature shall be three semesters.
6.1 Evaluation
A student shall complete to a satisfactory standard, 24 units of subjects as specified for the Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery in the Postgraduate Courses.
6.2 Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, report papers, examinations, case presentations and assessment of clinical work.
7. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed a subject at this or another University which is deemed by the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a prescribed subject, may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty.
8. A student who has complied with these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Midwifery.
1. The Postgraduate Diploma of Neonatology may be undertaken in the School of Medicine.
2. A candidate may enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma of Neonatology if that person is:
2.1 a medical practitioner registered by a national
medical council or board; and
2.2 undertaking or has completed at least one year
of clinical service in a Level Three neonatal
3. To qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Neonatology the candidate must:
3.1 have completed at least one year of clinical
service in a Level Three neonatal unit; and
3.2 have completed and passed the five subjects
set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses
as offered by the School of Medicine.
Credit of nine units will be granted for the
fulfilment of the requirements of 3.1.
4. The minimum period of candidature is twelve months of full-time study or up to two years part-time study.
5. All other relevant statutes and requirements shall apply.
1. The Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Science (Critical Care) may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Science (Critical Care) if that person:
2.1 is a registered nurse in Queensland or elsewhere
in Australia; and
2.2 is currently completing, or has completed the
Certificate in Critical Care Nursing at Mater Misericordiae Hospital,
or similar courses elsewhere; or
2.3 has qualifications recognised by the Head of
the School of Nursing Sciences and the Executive Dean of the faculty as
equivalent to Requirement 2.2
3. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of part-time study.
4. A candidate shall complete to a satisfactory standard the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
5. Assessment procedures may include all or any of the following: assignments, research project and report papers, viva voce examinations, tutorial presentations, project reports and assessment of clinical work.
6. Credit for previous studies
A student who has passed a subject at this or another University which is deemed by the Executive Dean of the faculty, on the advice of the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences, to be equivalent to a subject set out in the specified program may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty.
7. A student who has complied with the provision of the requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing Science (Critical Care).
1. The Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine may be undertaken in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
2. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine if that person:
2.1 has qualified for a medical, dental, nursing
or veterinary science degree approved by the faculty; or
2.2 has qualified for a Bachelor degree in a relevant
discipline as determined by the Head of the School of Public Health and
Tropical Medicine and has at least two years suitable experience
approved by the faculty.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty, upon the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
4. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study, or two years of part-time study.
5. A student shall complete at least three of the core subjects and at least five other subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
6. A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, to be equivalent to a subject prescribed in the specified program, may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty, save that credit will not be granted for more than one of the subjects listed in the specified program.
7. A student may, with the prior approval of the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, complete the requirements of a subject at another institution approved by the University.
8. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments, research project and report, papers, viva voce examinations, written examinations, tutorial participation and assessment, case presentations and reports, and assessment of field or ward work.
9. Except with the approval of the faculty, there will be no re-examination.
10. The Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine shall be awarded in the following classes:
High Distinction
11. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
1. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma of Rural and Remote Medicine if that person is a registered medical practitioner in an Australian state and who:
1.1 is vocationally registered, or has an equivalent
or experience acceptable to the Dean of the School of Medicine on
the advice of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
(ACRRM); or
1.2 has completed or is undertaking a four year
training program in rural and remote medicine certified to ACRRM
and Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) standards;
1.3 be a rural practitioner (as determined by the
Executive Dean on the advice of ACRRM) and be a Fellow of the Royal
Australian College of General Practitioners
2. To qualify for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Rural and Remote Medicine the student must:
2.1.1 be vocationally registered, or have an
equivalent qualification
or experience acceptable to the Dean of the School of Medicine on
the advice of ACRRM; or
2.1.2 have completed the four year training program
in rural and remote medicine certified to ACRRM and RACGP standards;
2.1.3 be a rural practitioner (as determined by the
Dean of the School of Medicine) with a FRACGP, for which 12 units of
unspecified credit will be granted;
2.2 have completed and passed four subjects selected
from Schedule A shown under Postgraduate Courses and approved by
the Dean of the School of Medicine, to a minimum of 12 units. Subjects
selected must include:
2.2.1 all core subjects as listed; and
2.2.2 at least two elective subjects as
3. The normal time of completion of the academic component shall be six months of full-time study or up to two years part-time study.
4. Requirements pertaining to postgraduate subject entry, prerequisites and subject combinations which exist at present will apply.
1. The Postgraduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene may be undertaken in the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
2. A person may enrol for the Postgraduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene if that person:
2.1 has qualified for a medical degree from a medical
school approved by the University; or
2.2 holds an equivalent qualification approved
by the faculty on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public
Health and Tropical Medicine.
3. A student shall be designated as a full-time student or as a part-time student by the faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
4. The minimum period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study, or two years of part-time study.
5. A student shall complete all five of the core subjects and at least three other subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
6. A student who, at this or another institution of higher education, has passed a subject which is deemed by the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, to be equivalent to a subject prescribed in the specified program, may be granted credit for that subject by the faculty, save that credit will not be granted for more than one of the subjects listed in the specified program.
7. A student may, with the prior approval of the Executive Dean on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, complete the requirements of a subject at another institution approved by the University.
8. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments, research project and report, papers, viva voce examinations, written examinations, tutorial participation and assessment, case presentations and reports, and assessment of field or ward work.
9. Except with the approval of the faculty, there will be no re-examination.
10. The Postgraduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene shall be awarded in the following classes:
High Distinction
11. A student who has complied with the provisions of these requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
1. A candidate may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Assistive Technology, if that person:
1.1 has qualified for a Bachelor degree of this
or another University in a health or health related field; or
1.2 has qualified for a Bachelor degree of this
or another University in a relevant discipline as determined by
the Head of the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine on
the advice of the Head of the discipline of Occupational Therapy;
1.3 has at least five years of appropriate
professional experience
as deemed suitable by the Head of the School of Public Health and
Tropical Medicine on the advice of the Head of the discipline of
Occupational Therapy.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 24 units. Students shall complete all of the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses.
3. The normal period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.
4. Each student shall submit reports and pass examinations as prescribed from time to time by the appropriate Head of School.
5. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Assistive Technology.
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences course if that person has:
1.1 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Science,
Bachelor of Applied Science or Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences either
from this or from another University provided that the faculty,
on the recommendation of the Heads of Schools concerned, is satisfied
that the standard and the subjects of the previous studies are
1.2 qualifications recognised by the faculty as
equivalent to Requirement 1.1;
1.3 alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty
to be appropriate for entry to the course;
1.4 for the course of study in Tropical Medicine
and Hygiene: qualified for the degree of Bachelor or Doctor of Medicine
or an equivalent qualification from a medical school approved by
the faculty;
1.5 for the course of study in Tropical Public
(a) qualified for a medical, nursing, dental or
veterinary science degree approved by the faculty; or
(b) completed a diploma or bachelor degree in health sciences
and has at least two years experience, as approved by
the faculty.
2. The normal period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. The student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 24 units.
3. The student shall select one of the discipline groups listed in Schedule A below, or an approved combination and follow the course of study shown under Postgraduate Courses.
4. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, a research project and report and examinations.
5. A student who has qualified for the Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences in one discipline may enrol in a further discipline in a subsequent year.
6. The Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences shall be awarded in the following classes:
7. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Biomedical Sciences.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
- School of Pharmacy and Molecular Sciences
School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
- Institute of Sport and Exercise Science
1. The Graduate Diploma of Forensic Mental Health may be undertaken in the School of Nursing Sciences.
2. A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Forensic Mental Health if that person:
2.1 has qualified for an appropriate Bachelor degree at this or another
University in a discipline deemed suitable by the Head of the School
of Nursing Sciences; or
2.2 has qualifications recognised by the faculty as equivalent to
Requirement 2.1 or has successfully completed the requirements of
the Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health; or
2.3 has alternative qualifications approved by the faculty on the
recommendation of the Head of the School of Nursing
3. A candidate for the Graduate Diploma of Forensic Mental Health shall follow a course of study as specified by the Head of the School of Nursing Sciences to obtain a minimum of 24 units. The normal period of candidature shall be two years of part-time study.
4. Credit may be granted for equivalent subjects completed at this or another recognised institution of higher education to a maximum of 12 units.
5. Candidates who have been awarded the Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health and who wish to use the credits obtained towards the Graduate Diploma of Forensic Mental Health, will be required to surrender the Graduate Certificate of Forensic Mental Health before the Graduate Diploma of Forensic Mental Health is conferred.
1. The Graduate Diploma of Health Science may be undertaken in the Schools listed in Schedule A below.
2. To qualify for the award a student shall pursue studies according to the course of studies prescribed in one of the programs shown under Postgraduate Courses.
3. A candidate may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Health Science if that candidate:
3.1 fulfils the requirements for entry into the
Graduate Certificate of Health Science; and
3.2 has successfully completed the requirements
of the Graduate Certificate of Health
4. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 24 units. The normal period of candidature shall be one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study. Some programs of study may only be available part-time. The 12 units of study completed to fulfil the requirements of the Graduate Certificate may be credited towards the Graduate Diploma of Health Science.
5. A student will be required to surrender the award of Graduate Certificate of Health Science before the award of Graduate Diploma of Health Science is conferred.
Biomedical Sciences
Nursing Sciences
Public Health and Tropical
The Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal Science may be undertaken in the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science and the discipline groups within the School of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences listed in Schedule A below.
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal Science if that person has:
1.1 qualified for an appropriate Bachelor degree
of this University in a discipline deemed suitable by the Director of
the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science;
1.2 qualifications recognised by the faculty as
equivalent to Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty
to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 24 units from the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses. The normal period of candidature shall be one academic year of full-time study or two academic years of part-time study.
3. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, and examinations.
4. Credit may be granted for:
4.1 subjects completed in the Graduate Certificate
of Tropical Animal Science at the University, to a maximum of 12
units if transfer to the Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal Science
program is made after formal completion of requirements of the Graduate
Certificate but prior to the award of the Graduate Certificate;
4.2 subjects completed in the Graduate Certificate,
after the award of the Graduate Certificate, at the discretion of
the Executive Dean on the advice of the Director of the Australian
Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science; or
4.3 equivalent subjects completed at this or another
institution of higher education, to a maximum of nine
5. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Tropical Animal Science.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science
The Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary Science may be undertaken in the Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science and the discipline groups within the School of Biomedical Sciences listed in Schedule A below.
1. A person may enrol for the Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary Science if that person has:
1.1 qualified for the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary
Science or an equivalent qualification approved by the faculty;
1.2 qualifications recognised by the faculty as
equivalent to Requirement 1.1; or
1.3 alternative qualifications deemed by the faculty
to be appropriate for entry to the course.
2. A student shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 24 units from the subjects set out in the specified program shown under Postgraduate Courses. The normal period of candidature shall be one academic year of full-time study or two academic years of part-time study.
3. Assessment procedures may include any or all of the following: assignments and papers, and examinations.
4. Credit may be granted for:
4.1 subjects completed in the Graduate Certificate
of Tropical Veterinary Science at the University, to a maximum of
12 units if transfer to the Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary
Science program is made after formal completion of requirements
of the Graduate Certificate but prior to the award of the Graduate Certificate;
4.2 subjects completed in the Graduate Certificate,
after the award of the Graduate Certificate, at the discretion of
the Executive Dean on the advice of the Director of the Australian
Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science; or
4.3 equivalent subjects completed at this or another
institution of higher education, to a maximum of nine
5. A student who has complied with the provisions of these Requirements and all other relevant Statutes and Requirements of the University shall be recommended by the faculty for the award of the Graduate Diploma of Tropical Veterinary Science.
- discipline groups of: Microbiology and Immunology Physiology and Pharmacology
- Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science