James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003



1.1  Awards

The degrees shall be:

Bachelor of Arts BA
Bachelor of Arts with Honours BA(Hons)
Bachelor of Community Welfare BCW
Bachelor of Community Welfare with Honours BCW(Hons)
Bachelor of Education BEd
Bachelor of Education with Honours BEd(Hons)
Bachelor of Educational Services BEdServ
Bachelor of Indigenous Studies BIndgStud
Bachelor of Indigenous Studies with Honours BIndgStud(Hons)
Bachelor of Journalism BJ
Bachelor of Journalism with Honours BJ(Hons)
Bachelor of Languages BLang
Bachelor of Languages with Honours BLang(Hons)
Bachelor of Psychology BPsych
Bachelor of Psychology with Honours BPsych(Hons)
Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) BPsych(Indg)
Bachelor of Public Policy BPubPol
Bachelor of Public Policy with Honours BPubPol(Hons)
Bachelor of Social Science BSocSc
Bachelor of Social Science with Honours BSocSc(Hons)
Bachelor of Social Science (Environmental Studies) BSocSc(EnvStud)
Bachelor of Social Science (Environmental Studies) with Honours BSocSc(EnvStud)(Hons)
Bachelor of Social Work BSW
Bachelor of Social Work with Honours BSW(Hons)

1.2  Joint degrees shall be:

Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business BA-BBus
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Commerce BA-BCom
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Journalism BA-BJ
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Laws BA-LLB
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Laws with Honours BA-LLB(Hons)
Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Laws BA(Hons)-LLB
Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Laws with Honours BA(Hons)-LLB(Hons)
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science BA-BSc
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science with Honours BA-BSc(Hons)
Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Science BA(Hons)-BSc
Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Science with Honours BA(Hons)-BSc(Hons)
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Social Work BA-BSW
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Social Work with Honours BA-BSW(Hons)
Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Social Work BA(Hons)-BSW
Bachelor of Arts with Honours-Bachelor of Social Work with Honours BA(Hons)-BSW(Hons)
Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Tourism Management BA-BTourismMgt
Bachelor of Arts in Communication-Bachelor of Business* BA(Comm)-BBus
Bachelor of Arts in Communication-Bachelor of Journalism* BA(Comm)-BJ
Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Journalism BBus-BJ
Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Psychology BBus-BPsych
Bachelor of Business-Bachelor of Psychology with Honours BBus-BPsych(Hons)
Bachelor of Business with Honours-Bachelor of Psychology BBus(Hons)-BPsych
Bachelor of Business with Honours-Bachelor of Psychology with Honours BBus(Hons)-BPsych(Hons)
Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Arts BCW-BA
Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Business BCW-BBus
Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Business with Honours BCW-BBus(Hons)
Bachelor of Community Welfare with Honours-Bachelor of Business BCW(Hons)-BBus
Bachelor of Community Welfare with Honours-Bachelor of Business with Honours BCW(Hons-BBus(Hons)
Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Social Science BCW-BSocSc
Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Visual Arts BCW-BVA
Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Arts BEd-BA
Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Arts with Honours BEd-BA(Hons)
Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Languages BEd-BLang
Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Psychology BEd-BPsych
Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Psychology with Honours BEd-BPsych(Hons)
Bachelor of Education with Honours-Bachelor of Psychology BEd(Hons)-BPsych
Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Science BEd-BSc
Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Science with Honours BEd-BSc(Hons)
Bachelor of Music-Bachelor of Education BMus-BEd
Bachelor of Psychology-Bachelor of Science BPsych-BSc
Bachelor of Psychology-Bachelor of Science with Honours BPsych-BSc(Hons)
Bachelor of Psychology with Honours-Bachelor of Science BPsych(Hons)-BSc
Bachelor of Psychology with Honours-Bachelor of Science with Honours BPsych(Hons)-BSc(Hons)
Bachelor of Psychology-Bachelor of Social Science BPsych-BSocSc
Bachelor of Public Policy-Bachelor of Laws BPubPol-LLB
Bachelor of Public Policy-Bachelor of Laws with Honours BPubPol-LLB(Hons)
Bachelor of Public Policy with Honours-Bachelor of Laws BPubPol(Hons)-LLB
Bachelor of Public Policy with Honours-Bachelor of Laws with Honours BPubPol(Hons)-LLB(Hons)
Bachelor of Social Science-Bachelor of Social Work BSocSc-BSW
Bachelor of Social Science-Bachelor of Social Work with Honours BSocSc-BSW(Hons)
Bachelor of Social Science with Honours-Bachelor of Social Work BSocSc(Hons)-BSW
Bachelor of Social Science with Honours-Bachelor of Social Work with Honours BSocSc(Hons)-BSW(Hons)
Bachelor of Social Work-Bachelor of Laws BSW-LLB
Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science-Bachelor of Education BSpExSc-BEd

1.3  There shall be awards of:

Advanced Diploma of Arts AdvDipA
Advanced Diploma of Indigenous Studies AdvDipIndgStud
Advanced Diploma of Social Science AdvDipSocSc
Advanced Diploma of Women’s Studies AdvDipWomen’sStudies
Diploma of Arts DipA
Diploma of Indigenous Studies DipIndgStud
Certificate of Australian Studies CertAustStud
Certificate of Child and Adolescent Mental Health CertChild&AdolescMentHlth
Certificate of Child Welfare Practice CertCWP
Certificate of Counselling CertCouns
Certificate of Education CertEd
Certificate of Effective Communication CertEffComm
Certificate of Effective Communication (NESB) CertEffComm(NESB)
Certificate of Indigenous Studies CertIndgStud
Certificate of Languages CertLang
Certificate of Social Science CertSocSc
Certificate of Youth Work Practice CertYWP


1.  For re-named awards, continuing students enrolled in the previous award be permitted to continue in the previous award or transfer to the re-named award.

2.  For disestablished awards, continuing students enrolled in the previous award be permitted to continue in the previous award or transfer to another award as approved by the appropriate Executive Dean or delegate.

3.  For re-named awards and disestablished awards, commencing students not be permitted to enrol in the previous award.

4.  For suspended awards or not offered awards, continuing students be permitted to continue but commencing students not be permitted to enrol for the period of suspension or not offering.



1.  Entitlement to attend

A student of the University shall be entitled to attend any lecture with the permission of the lecturer.

2.1  Application of requirements

In addition to the Faculty Award Requirements candidates must comply with the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards listed in this Student Handbook and specific degree, diploma or certificate Award Requirements.

2.2  In exceptional circumstances the Executive Dean, where appropriate in consultation with the relevant Head of School, may dispense with or amend any requirements of or prescription by the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards, Faculty Award Requirements and specific degree, diploma or certificate Award Requirements. Any major dispensation of the requirements should be reported to the faculty.

2.3  The Executive Dean, where appropriate in consultation with the appropriate Head of School, may permit a candidate to graduate with fewer than the stipulated units of study for an Award offered in the faculty.

3.  Enrolment in awards

A person who holds an award listed in General Requirements 1.1 and 1.2 may not be a candidate for that award in the same discipline.

4.  Credit

Candidates for awards of the faculty may apply to obtain credit for previous tertiary study as detailed in the Faculty Policy Statement on credit transfer and associated guidelines.

5.  Available subjects

The faculty will publish annually a list of subjects available to candidates. The list appears as Table I in the Master Schedule of Subjects.

6.  Coherence of degree structure

The faculty must be satisfied that the completed Award constitutes a coherent whole.

7.1  The grade of Pass Conceded

The grade of Pass Conceded may be recommended by the School directly on the basis of the particular examination. This grade may also be awarded by the faculty following consideration of the candidate’s overall result for the year.

7.2  A candidate who is granted the grade of Pass Conceded in a subject shall, for the purposes of Requirement 6.1, be deemed to have passed the subject and shall be credited with the appropriate units, but may not enrol for a more advanced subject in any discipline requiring the first as a prerequisite except with the approval of the appropriate Head of School.

7.3  The number of units that may be credited at Pass Conceded level shall not exceed a total as determined from time to time by the faculty.

7.4  A candidate awarded the grade of Pass Conceded may apply to the Head of the School concerned for permission to attempt to convert that grade to a Pass grade. Such re-examination will not be counted towards aggregate units work load for an academic year.

7.5  All applications under Requirement 6.4 must be approved by the Executive Dean.

8.1  Non-degree students

A person who is not proceeding to a degree may enrol for any subject with the approval of the Head of School and on completing the subject shall be entitled to receive an official statement to that effect on application to the Registrar.

8.2  A person who has not qualified for Ordinary or Alternative Entry Admission may enrol for any subject with the approval of the Head of School in the terms of Requirement 8.1, but may enrol for subjects in more than one School only with the approval of the faculty. Subjects completed by such a student may not be credited towards a degree except by permission of the faculty.

9.  Saving clause

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these Requirements, the faculty may in any case in which it may deem it appropriate to do so, dispense with or suspend any condition of or prescription by these Requirements. Any such action by the faculty shall be recorded for the purposes of an annual review.


1.  In addition to the Faculty Award Requirements, candidates for Awards of the faculty must comply with the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards listed in this handbook as well as specific Degree or Diploma Award Requirements.

2.  In exceptional circumstances and notwithstanding anything contained in the University Requirements for Undergraduate Coursework Awards and the Degree or Certificate Award Requirements, and on the recommendation of the Head of School, the faculty may in any case in which it may deem it appropriate to do so, dispense with or amend any conditions of, or prescription by, these Requirements.

3.  A person who holds an award listed in General Requirement 1.1 or 1.2 (refer pages 139 and 140) may not be a candidate for that award in the same discipline.

4.  Candidates for Awards of the faculty may apply to gain credit for previous tertiary study as detailed in the Faculty Policy Statement on credit transfer and associated guidelines.

5.  The faculty will publish annually lists of subjects available to candidates. The subjects appear in Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects.

6.  In exceptional circumstances and with faculty permission a candidate may be permitted to graduate with less than the minimum stipulated units of study for an award offered by the faculty.


This course has been disestablished. No new enrolments will be accepted in 2003. Students currently enrolled will be given the option of transferring to another course or remaining in their current course. Award requirements for the disestablished course are shown in the 2002 Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts Student Handbook.


1.  To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 72 units in accordance with these Requirements.

2.  The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study and the normal maximum time for completion of the degree is ten years.

3.  Students may choose to undertake one of the following programs of study within the Bachelor of Arts:

4.  Majors may be selected from those fields of study listed under Undergraduate Courses and Majors for the Bachelor of Arts.

5.  The minimum total of 72 units comprising the degree shall include:

6.  A candidate may not, except with the approval of the Executive Dean:


1.  The degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honours may be undertaken, with the approval of the relevant Head of School, in any of the schools listed in the schedule immediately following these requirements. The fields of study in which honours may be undertaken are listed under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.  With the approval of the relevant Head(s) of School(s) a joint honours degree may be undertaken in more than one field of study.

3.  A candidate for the honours degree:

4.  Except with the approval of the Faculty, on the advice of the relevant Head(s) of School(s), enrolment in the honours degree shall follow on directly from the pass degree and, normally, no later than five years following completion of the pass degree.

5.  Candidates for honours who have graduated with a pass degree from another university or more than five years ago may be required to complete such coursework or assessment as the Head of School recommends as a condition of entry to honours.

6.  The requirements for the honours degree normally shall comprise 24 units of study that shall include a research thesis and honours level coursework. Other prescribed work must be approved by the Faculty.

7.  The requirements for the honours degree shall normally be completed by full-time candidates in one academic year and by part-time candidates in two academic years.

8.  Except with the approval of the Faculty, a candidate shall not be permitted to present more than once for final examination in the same honours field(s) of study.


Schools in which the Bachelor of Arts with Honours may be undertaken:

Anthropology, Archaeology and Sociology



Indigenous Australian Studies

Mathematical and Physical Sciences


Social Work and Community Welfare

Tropical Environmental Studies and Geography


Course disestablished during 2002. Students currently enrolled may complete the degree under the requirements published in the 2002 Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences Handbook or transfer to a Bachelor of Arts (Communication).


Renamed the Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Tourism Management at the end of 2002. Students currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Administration (Tourism) will be given the option of transferring to the Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Tourism Management or remaining in their current degree.


1.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the pass degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 96 units. The requirements of the degree are normally completed in four years of full-time study or equivalent part-time study.

1.2  The 96 units shall be obtained in accordance with the Requirements set out in the Schedule below.

2.  Special Notes

A candidate who cannot take one of the compulsory subjects shown in the Schedule under Undergraduate Courses and Majors, or for whom a special case can be made, may be permitted to take an extra elective in place of one compulsory subject.

Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business

Candidates are required to complete the pass degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements.

Discipline Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Open Total
Business 18 12 16 46
Arts 12* 8 12 12 44
Open       6 6
  30 20 28 18 96


1.  Administration of the joint degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts.

2.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the pass degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 96 units. The requirements of the degree are normally completed in four years of full-time study.

2.2  The 96 units shall be obtained in accordance with the requirements set out in the Schedule below.

2.3  The joint degree structure is shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Commerce
(with professional accounting accreditation)

Candidates are required to complete the pass degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements .

Commerce 12 18 20   50
Arts (including
12 8 12 14 46
  24 26 32 14 96


1.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the pass degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 96 units. The requirements of the degree are normally completed in four years of full-time study or equivalent part-time study.

1.2  The 96 units shall be obtained in accordance with the Requirements set out in the Schedule below.

2.  Special Notes

A candidate who cannot take one of the compulsory subjects shown in the Schedule under Undergraduate Courses and Majors, or for whom a special case can be made, may be permitted to take an extra elective in place of one compulsory subject.

Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Journalism

Candidates are required to complete the pass degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements.

Discipline Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Open Total
Arts 12 12 18 42
Journalism 12 18 15 45
Open       9 9
  24 30 33 9 96

Note: The core Bachelor of Journalism level 1 components must be included.

Note: Arts subjects may be drawn from Table Ia in the Master Schedule of Subjects.


1.  Administration of the degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law, Business and Creative Arts.

2.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the pass degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 120 units. The requirements for the degree are normally completed in five years of full-time study.

2.2  The 120 units, from 2.1 above, shall be obtained in accordance with the requirements set out in the Schedule shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.1  Application for enrolment

An applicant for the joint degree may apply for candidature at the levels 1, 2 or 3.

3.2  A candidate who has previously graduated with either component of the joint degree will not be approved to enrol in the joint degree.

4.1  Withdrawal from the joint degree course

A candidate who has completed the requirements of the first year of the joint degree may convert to candidature for the degree of Bachelor of Laws without loss of credit. (Note: Conversion after completion of any later year of the joint degree will normally entail loss of credit for non-Law subjects completed beyond level 1.)

4.2  A candidate who has met the requirements of years one to three of the course of study prescribed in the Schedule shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors and who does not complete the requirements of the fourth and fifth years of the course, shall, on application to the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, be entitled to be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Arts.


1.1  Requirements for the degree

Honours in the joint degree may be completed as:

depending on the requirements of individual candidates.

1.2  A candidate for the honours degree shall normally pursue studies as follows:

1.3  Candidates undertaking honours shall complete the requirements of the honours program in either or both components of the joint degree depending on the degree in which the candidate enrols. [Refer to the Degree Requirements for the LLB and/or the Degree Requirements for the BA(Hons)].


1.  Administration of the degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

2.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the pass degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 96 units. The requirements for the degree are normally completed in four years of full-time study.

2.2  The 96 units shall be obtained in accordance with the requirements set out in the Schedule below.


1.1  Requirements for the degree

Honours in the joint degree may be completed as:

BA(Hons)-BSc(Hons); BA(Hons)-BSc; BA-BSc(Hons) depending on the requirements of individual candidates.

1.2  A candidate for the honours degree shall pursue studies as follows:

BA(Hons)-BSc(Hons) — six years to obtain 144 units;

BA(Hons)-BSc — five years to obtain 120 units;

BA-BSc(Hons) — five years to obtain 120 units.

1.3  Candidates undertaking honours shall complete the requirements of the joint pass degree followed by the requirements of the normal honours year in either or both disciplines depending on the degree in which the candidate enrols.

1.4  Candidates shall if completing honours in only one component of the joint degree undertake a program of study in the chosen discipline.

Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Science

Candidates are required to complete the combined degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements:

Science 18 15 18   51
Arts 12 8 12 13* 45
  30 23 30 13 96

The following structure may assist candidates in selecting subjects listed in the Master Schedule of Subjects for each year of the degree.

Year 1

12 units from Table Va — Science level 1 subjects

12 units from Table Ia — Arts level 1 subjects.

Year 2

6 units from Table Va — Science level 1 subjects

8 units from Table Ia — Arts level 2 subjects

Up to 10 units from Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects at any level.

Year 3

15 units from Table Vb — Science level 2 subjects

9 units from Table Ia — Arts level 3 subjects.

Year 4

18 units from Table Vc — Science level 3 subjects

3 units from Table Ia — Arts level 3 subjects

3 units from Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects at any level.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Social Work degree course and, in addition, a quota on entry by transfer into level 4 of the joint degree may be applied, depending on the availability of appropriately qualified field education supervisors. All students must demonstrate suitability for social work before undertaking social work field education projects and placements.

1.  Administration of the degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences.

2.  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the degree shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 120 units. The requirements for the degree are normally completed in five years of full-time study.

3.1  Constitution of the degree

Candidates shall meet the requirements for the degree and in so doing shall follow the pattern of study as set out in the Schedule shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for social work before undertaking professional field education projects and placements.

3.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Social Work degree course and, in addition, a quota on entry by transfer into level 4 of the joint degree may be applied, depending on the availability of appropriately qualified field education supervisors. All students must demonstrate suitability for social work before undertaking social work field education projects and placements.

1.1  Requirements for the degree

Honours in the joint degree may be completed as:

1.2  A candidate for the honours degree shall pursue studies as follows:

1.3  Candidates undertaking Honours in either or both components of the joint degree shall complete the requirements of the joint pass degree and the requirements of the normal honours year in either or both disciplines depending on the degree in which the candidate enrols.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for social work before undertaking professional field education projects and placements.

2.2  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.

Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Social Work

Candidates are required to complete the combined degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements:

Arts 12 12 12   5 41
Social Work 18 17 20 24   79
  30 29 32 24 24 120


1.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the pass degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 96 units. The requirements of the degree are normally completed in four years of full-time study or equivalent part-time study.

1.2  The 96 units shall be obtained in accordance with the Requirements set out in the Schedule below.

2.  Special Notes

A candidate who cannot take one of the compulsory subjects shown in the Schedule under Undergraduate Courses and Majors, or for whom a special case can be made, may be permitted to take an extra elective in place of one compulsory subject.

Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Tourism Management

Candidates are required to complete the pass degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements.

Discipline Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
Arts 12* 12 18 42
Tourism/Business 18 18 18 54
  30 30 36 96


It is expected that this course will be disestablished by the commencement of 2003. Students who are currently enrolled may complete their studies towards the degree or transfer to the Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Business (with a Communication major).


It is expected that this course will be disestablished by the commencement of 2003. Students who are currently enrolled may complete their studies towards the degree or transfer to the Bachelor of Arts-Bachelor of Journalism (with a Communication major).


Requirements for the joint degree are shown in the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts Student Handbook.


Requirements for the joint degree are shown in the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts Student Handbook.


Requirements for the joint degree are shown in the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts Student Handbook.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Community Welfare degree and on entry by transfer into level 3 of the degree. A person who wishes to enrol for the degree of Bachelor of Community Welfare may be required to demonstrate suitability for welfare work and all students must demonstrate suitability before undertaking field education projects and placement.

1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 72 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Community Welfare shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for welfare work before undertaking professional field education projects and placements.

2.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Community Welfare degree and on entry by transfer into level 3 of the degree. A person who wishes to enrol for the degree of Bachelor of Community Welfare may be required to demonstrate suitability for welfare work and all students must demonstrate suitability before undertaking field education projects and placement.

1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is four years of full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Community Welfare — Honours, shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for welfare work before undertaking professional field education projects and placements.

2.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.

3.1  Entry to the final honours level

The faculty may permit entry to the honours course by a person who holds or is eligible to hold the Bachelor of Community Welfare degree or an equivalent degree of this or another University where it is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for honours. Normally candidates should have obtained a grade of at least credit in level 3 community welfare subjects to the value of 12 units, including the grade of distinction in at least two subjects.

3.2  The requirements for the final honours level shall normally comprise 24 units and normally be completed in one academic year by full-time candidates and two academic years by part-time candidates.

3.3  The requirements for the final honours level shall include, in addition to course work, a thesis or other comparable prescribed work approved by the faculty.

3.4  School requirements may include a provision that candidates entering after graduation from another university complete such conditions of Requirement 2.1 as the Head of School may specify in addition to the Honours subjects.

4.  Termination of course

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Community Welfare with Honours who terminates candidature for the degree may receive credit towards the degree of Bachelor of Community Welfare for any subject or subjects completed.

5.  Award of the degree

In the award of honours, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s record throughout the course.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree and on entry by transfer into level 3 of the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree. A person who wishes to enrol for the joint Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Arts degree may be required to demonstrate suitability for welfare work and all students must demonstrate suitability before undertaking field education projects and placement.

1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is four years full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Community Welfare-Arts shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for welfare work before undertaking professional field education projects and placement.

2.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placement in agencies outside Cairns or Townsville at their own expense.

Schedule Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Arts

Discipline Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 TOTAL
Community Welfare 12 24 18 54
Arts 12 12 12 36
Social Science 6     6
Total 30 36 30 96


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree and on entry by transfer into level 3 of the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree. A person who wishes to enrol for the joint degree of Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Business may be required to demonstrate suitability for welfare work. All students must demonstrate suitability before undertaking field education projects and placement.

1.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum toal value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is four years full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects sleected shall be in accordance with the program in Community Welfare-Business shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for welfare work before undertaking professional field education projects and placement.

2.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placement in agencies outside Cairns or Townsville at their own expense.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree and on entry by transfer into level 3 of the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree.

1.1  Requirements for completion of course

Honours in the joint degree may be completed as: BCW(Hons)-BBus(Hons); BCW(Hons)-BBus; BCW-BBus(Hons)

1.2  Students must meet the relevant entry requirements for the components of the joint honours degree for which they seek candidature.

1.3  A candidate for the honours degree shall pursue studies as follows: BCW(Hons)-BBus(Hons) – six years to obtain 144 units BCW(Hons)-BBus – five years to obtain 120 units BCW-BBus(Hons) – five years to obtain 120 units

1.4  Candidates undertaking Honours in either or both components of the joint degree shall complete the requirements of the joint pass degree and the requirements of the normal honours year in either or both disciplines depending on the degree in which the candidate enrols.

Schedule Bachelor of Community Welfare–Bachelor of Business

Community Welfare 9 21 15   45
Social Science 6       6
Business 18 9 12 6 45
Total 33 30 27 6 96


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree and on entry by transfer into level 3 of the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree. A person who wishes to enrol for the joint degree of Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Social Science may be required to demonstrate suitability for welfare work and all students must demonstrate suitability before undertaking field education projects and placement.

1.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is four years full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Community Welfare-Social Science shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for welfare work before undertaking professional field education projects and placement.

2.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placement in agencies outside Cairns or Townsville at their own expense.

Schedule Bachelor of Community Welfare–Bachelor of Social Science

Community Welfare 12 24 18 54
Social Science 18 12 12 42
Total 30 36 30 96


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree and on entry by transfer into level 3 of the Bachelor of Community Welfare component of the joint degree. A person who wishes to enrol for the joint degree must satisfy the entry requirements (portfolio and interview) for the Bachelor of Visual Arts and may be required to demonstrate suitability for welfare work. All students must demonstrate suitability before undertaking field education projects and placement.

1.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 120 units in accordance with these requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is five years full-time study.

2.  Administration of the degree

The joint pass degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts. The respective faculties will be responsible for the administration relating to their degree and subjects.

3.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Community Welfare-Visual Arts shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, to assess their suitability for welfare work before undertaking professional field education projects and placement.

3.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placement in agencies outside Cairns or Townsville at their own expense.

4.  Advanced status and credit for other studies

A candidate may be granted advanced status upon conditions determined by the relevant faculty. The maximum credit allowed shall be in accordance with the published policy of the relevant faculty.

5.  Withdrawal from the joint degree course

A candidate who has partially completed the requirements of the course of study prescribed for the completion of the joint degree, and who then withdraws from the joint degree, shall consult the relevant Executive Dean on the requirements for completion of the degree of Bachelor of Community Welfare or Bachelor of Visual Arts.

Schedule Bachelor of Community Welfare-Bachelor of Visual Arts

Discipline Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 TOTAL
Community Welfare 18 24 18 60
Visual Arts 18 18 24 60
Total 36 42 42 120


These courses provide a qualification that leads to registration as a teacher.

1.  General requirements

A candidate for the pass degree shall follow a course of study as detailed in specific Programs shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors to obtain a minimum of 96 units. The normal time for completion of the pass degree is four years full-time study whilst the maximum period of candidature is 12 years. A candidate for the honours degree shall follow a course of study as detailed in specific Programs shown in Undergraduate Courses and Majors to obtain a minimum 96 units (99 units for the secondary program). The normal time for completion of the degree is four years full-time study whilst the maximum period of candidature is 12 years.

2.  Requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Education

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Education shall follow a course of study as specified in either Program A (for intending early childhood teachers focussing on Years K-3), Program B (for intending primary teachers focussing on Years 1-7), or Program C (for intending secondary school teachers focussing on Years 8-12), including —

3.  Requirements for graduates seeking candidature

Graduate applicants for enrolment for the degree of Bachelor of Education shall have completed the requirements for a degree of this or another University or another tertiary institution and shall have included in their course of study for that degree or in other studies:

4.  Requirements for graduates enrolled in the degree of Bachelor of Education

A candidate admitted by way of Clause 3 of these requirements shall follow a course of study as specified in either Program H (for intending primary teachers) or Program I (for intending secondary teachers).

5.1  Professional experience in the degree

All candidates enrolled for the degree of Bachelor of Education or the Bachelor of Education with Honours without previous approved teacher education shall be required to undertake professional experience as prescribed by the faculty.

5.2  Candidates may be required to undertake professional experience in a school away from their normal place of residence, at their own expense.

5.3  Candidates may be required to undertake such tests and interviews as are considered necessary to assess their suitability to undertake professional experience.

5.4  Candidates should advise the Director of Professional Experience of any potential conflict of interest with regard to their practicums.

5.5  Candidates must pass the professional experience component of the course. Students who receive an unsatisfactory grade will be (i) excluded from the program or (ii) required to repeat the subject. Unsatisfactory performance in a repeat practicum will result in exclusion from the course.

5.6  Students who do not complete the required number of days of a professional experience subject or a professional component of a subject, without the approval of the Director of Professional Experience, will be deemed to have failed the subject.

6.  Requirements for candidature for the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours

The degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours may be taken with honours in Education. Except as provided in Clause 10 of these requirements, a candidate for this degree shall normally enrol initially for the degree of Bachelor of Education and may, subject to satisfactory performance in level 1 and level 2 Education studies, be permitted to enrol for the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours upon application to the Executive Dean.

7.  Requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours shall follow a course of study as specified in either Program D (for intending early childhood teachers, Years K-3), Program E (for intending primary teachers, Years 1-7) or Program F (for intending secondary teachers, Years 8-12) to obtain a minimum of 96 units (Programs D and E) and 99 units (Program F), including—

8.  Concurrent Studies

Candidates wishing to do concurrent studies in disciplines allowed under Clause 2.3, but not offered at this University, must be interviewed by the Executive Dean and receive prior written approval to enrol concurrently as external students at another university acceptable to the faculty. Candidates will be granted advanced status for these studies upon their successful completion. Normally, the credit allowed shall not exceed 15 units.

9.  Enrolment for honours degree for Education graduates

A person who holds the degree of Bachelor of Education from this or another University or another tertiary institution, or has qualifications deemed by the faculty to be equivalent, may enrol for the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours if the faculty is satisfied that the standard and nature of the applicant’s previous academic achievement are appropriate. Such a candidate shall undertake such subjects and other work as the Executive Dean, on the advice of the Head of School, designates; and the faculty shall prescribe for the candidate a minimum and a maximum period of candidature.

10.1  Award of the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours

Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours may apply to transfer their enrolment to the degree of Bachelor of Education, on conditions to be determined by the faculty.

10.2  There shall be no re-examination for the thesis for the degree of Bachelor of Education with Honours.

Subject Schedule

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies
Indigenous Australian Studies (IA)
Biological Science
Botany (BT), Botany/Zoology (BZ), Marine Biology (MB), Zoology (ZL)
Business Education
Accounting and Finance (CO), Business (BU), Management (MG)
Chemistry (CH)
Computer Studies
Computer Science (CP)
Theatre (TH)
Earth Science (EA)
Economics (EC)
Cinema (CN), Communication (CU), English (EL)
French (FR)
Geography (GE)
Health and Physical Education
Human Movement (HM), Sports and Exercise Science (SP)
Japanese (JA)
Legal Studies
Law (LA)
Marine Studies
Botany (BT), Botany/Zoology (BZ), Marine Biology (MB), Zoology (ZL)
Mathematics (MA)
Modern History
History (HI), Political Science (PL)
Music (MU)
Multi-strand Science
Botany (BT), Botany/Zoology (BZ), Chemistry (CH), Earth Science (EA), Environmental Science (EV), Physics (PH), Zoology (ZL)
Physics (PH)
Study of Society
Anthropology (AN), Political Science (PL), Psychology (PY), Sociology (SY), Welfare Studies (WS)
Visual Arts (VA)

Schedule – Education Level 4 Focus Studies

Students should consult p.29 of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, Education Subject Information Booklet.

Australian Catholic University – Cross-crediting arrangement

Students intending to teach in the Catholic school system are advised that they may include in their BEd course subjects from the Certificate in Religious Education course offered by the Australian Catholic University.

Contingent on subjects attracting a minimum enrolment of 15 students, two subjects will be offered by ACU in Townsville and Cairns (through a weekend school and distance education). Both subjects will be offered on a HECS basis. On successful completion, students may have these studies credited to the BEd degree (3 units per subject). The subjects are:

EDRE 101 Religious Education 1
EDRE 102 Religious Education 2
THEO 113 Introduction to the World and Literature of the Bible
THEO 250 Sacramental Life of the Church

Students interested in this option should contact the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences office for further information.


Program of study in Professional Development for teachers wanting to upgrade their qualifications from three-year to four-year status.

1.1  Enrolment

A person intending to enrol for the course shall normally have obtained a Diploma of Teaching from this University or a Diploma of Teaching or Bachelor of Teaching or an equivalent qualification from another institution of higher education approved by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences;*

1.2  Experienced teachers who do not meet the above requirements may be permitted by the Executive Dean to enrol for the course and be required to complete such subjects and other work as may be prescribed in addition to completing the requirements specified in 2 below.

2.  Requirements for the award

To qualify for the award a candidate shall successfully complete 24 units according to a pattern indicated in Program A or B shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors. A candidate who enrols in the course for the first time in 2003 or subsequently, and who accrues one year of full-time (or equivalent) professional experience acceptable to the faculty before completing the requirements of the degree, may be granted credit of eight units. Credit shall not apply to core subjects in the designated programs within the BEd (Professional Development) course.


These joint degrees provide a qualification that leads to registration as a teacher.

The following programs are currently under review. Please refer to the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, Education Subject Information Booklet for updated information.

1.  Degrees

There shall be joint degrees with the Bachelor of Education as follows:

Secondary teaching

Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Arts (108 units) (or Arts with Honours)

Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Science (101 units) (or Science with Honours)

Bachelor of Music-Bachelor of Education (108 units)

Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science-Bachelor of Education (106 units)

Primary teaching

Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Psychology (102 units) (or with honours in either or both disciplines)

Primary and secondary teaching

Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Languages (120-122 units).

Schedules referred to in these award requirements are outlined in the approved programs shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors in this Handbook except for the Music and Sport and Exercise Science joint degrees. Schedules for these are outlined in the Student Handbook for the relevant faculty.

2.  Administration of the degrees

The joint degrees shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences except where otherwise specified.

3.  General requirements for a joint degree with the Bachelor of Education

Restriction on entry applies to most joint degrees depending on whether a student is preparing for secondary or primary teaching.

4.  A candidate for a joint degree with the Bachelor of Education shall follow a course of study as specified in the approved program shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors such that:

Additional requirements for some joint degrees are outlined in following sections.

5.1  Period of candidature

Candidates for the joint pass degrees with Bachelor of Education shall, unless requirement 7 has been applied in their cases, normally pursue their studies for a minimum of four and one half years.

5.2  The maximum period of candidature for the joint pass degrees with Bachelor of Education shall be twelve years, provided that in special circumstances the faculty may grant an extension of that period.

6.  Field and professional experience in the degree

Candidates should refer to the Bachelor of Education degree requirements 5.1-5.6, page 146, which apply to these joint degrees.

7.  Advanced status and credit for other studies

A candidate for a joint degree with Bachelor of Education may be granted advanced status within the appropriate degree upon conditions determined by the faculty. Normally, the credit allowed shall not exceed half the total units required for the appropriate degree.

8.  Enrolment status

A candidate for a joint degree with the Bachelor of Education shall be designated by the faculty as a full-time candidate or a part-time candidate. The designation of full-time or part-time candidature shall be made after an assessment of the extent of the candidate’s commitments other than those related to their course of studies. Except under exceptional circumstances approved by the Executive Dean, no full-time candidate will enrol for more than the equivalent of 16 units in a semester. In the case of a part-time candidate, the maximum number of units of credit for which enrolment will be permitted in any one year shall be determined by the faculty.

9.  Methods of assessment in the joint degrees with Bachelor of Education

The examination for the joint degrees with Bachelor of Education shall be by passing or by obtaining under requirement 7 credit for passes in such assignments, exercises and written papers and by completing such other requirements, as may be approved and prescribed by the appropriate school responsible for examining the various subjects in which the candidate is enrolled.

10.  Award of a joint degree with Bachelor of Education degree

Candidates who have fulfilled the conditions of requirement 4 and have complied with all Statutes and other requirements applicable to them may be awarded a joint degree with the Bachelor of Education in conjunction with the other appropriate faculty.

11.  Transfer from a joint degree course

A candidate who has not fulfilled all the requirements of a joint degree course may, on application to the faculty concerned, transfer to one of the degree courses and become subject to the requirements of that degree course.

12.  Additional requirements for the Bachelor of Education- Bachelor of Arts with Honours degree

Additional requirements for this joint degree include:

13.  Additional requirements for the Bachelor of Education- Bachelor of Languages degree

Additional requirements for this joint degree include:

14.  Additional requirements for the Bachelor of Education-Bachelor of Psychology (or with honours in either or both disciplines) Note: The BPsych degree is a three year accredited sequence of study in psychology. To qualify for registration as a psychologist in the state of Queensland students must complete an honours year of study in psychology (or equivalent) followed by two years of supervised practice in the field or an accredited masters program. There is no quota on entry to the BEd-BPsych courses. However, to enter honours in psychology students must obtain a minimum average grade of Distinction across 15 units of core level 3 psychology subjects.

Additional requirements for these joint degrees include:

15.  Additional requirements for the Bachelor of Education- Bachelor of Science

Additional requirements for this joint degree include:

16.  Additional requirements for the Bachelor of Education- Bachelor of Science with Honours Note: A major in a science discipline (and/or up to 18 units from Table Vc, Master Schedule of Subjects) can be studied within the existing Bachelor of Education requirements. The discipline(s) chosen must meet the criteria as set out by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences.

Additional requirements for this joint degree include:


Note: Completion of this degree does not qualify a candidate for registration as a teacher in Australia.

1.  General requirements

A candidate for the degree shall follow a course of study as specified in specific programs to obtain a minimum of 72 units. The normal time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study.

2.  Requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Educational Services

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Educational Services shall follow a course of study as specified in the Program Schedules shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.  Constitution of the Degree

The minimum of 72 units shall include:

4.1  Subjects from one discipline

The units which may be obtained in any one discipline shall not exceed four units per subject, except as prescribed in the Program Schedules shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

4.2  Except with faculty permission, a candidate shall not obtain more than 46 units in any one discipline.


1.  Eligibility for enrolment

Preference within the quota for the course will be given to students of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin.

2.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 72 units in accordance with these requirements. The normal time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study.

3.  Constitution of the degree

In selecting subjects a candidate shall undertake a specified major of study shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors. Candidates will attend all courses that will be taught in an internal on campus mode.


1.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is four years of full-time study.

2.  The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program of Indigenous Studies – Honours shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.  Entry to the honours year

The faculty may permit entry to the honours course by a person who holds or is eligible to hold the Bachelor of Indigenous Studies degree or an equivalent degree of this or another University where it is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for honours. Normally candidates should have obtained a grade of at least a Credit level in level 3 of the bachelors degree, including a grade of Distinction in at least two subjects.

4.  The requirements for the honours level shall normally comprise 24 units and generally be completed in one academic year by full-time study or two years part-time study.

5.  The requirements for the final honours level shall include, in addition to coursework, a thesis or other comparable prescribed work approved by the faculty.

6.  A candidate for the degree who terminates candidature may receive credit towards the degree Bachelor of Indigenous Studies for any subjects completed.

7.  In the award of honours, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s record throughout the honours year.

8.  Students must complete the following subjects (or equivalent with the permission of the Head of School):

IA4000:04 Indigenous Research Ethics
IA4001:04 Field Procedures in Indigenous Research
IA4002:04 Interpreting Research
IA4101:12 Thesis


1.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 72 units in accordance with these Requirements.

2.  The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study and the maximum time for completion of the degree is ten years.

3.  Constitution of the degree

Students must complete the core journalism subjects and so many journalism electives as are prescribed under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

4.  The minimum total of 72 units shall include at least 18 and not more than 30 units of study at level 1 and at least 18 units of study at level 3.

5.  Students must complete a minimum of 18 units in a nominated sub-major, including at least 6 units of study at level 3. A list of approved sub-majors is available from the school. Admission to other sub-majors may be approved by the Head of School.


1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

The degree of Bachelor of Journalism with Honours may be undertaken with the approval of the Head of School of Humanities.

2.  With the approval of the relevant Head(s) of School(s) a joint honours degree may be undertaken.

3.  Constitution of the degree

A candidate for the honours degree:

4.  Except with the approval of the faculty on the advice of the relevant Head(s) of School(s), enrolment in the honours degree shall occur no later than five years following completion of the pass degree.

5.  The requirements for the honours degree normally comprise a research thesis and coursework. Other prescribed work may be approved by the faculty.

6.  The requirements for honours shall normally be completed in one academic year by full-time candidates and two academic years by part-time candidates.

7.  Except with the approval of the faculty, a candidate shall not be permitted to present more than once for final examination in the Bachelor of Journalism with Honours program.


1.1  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal time for completion of the degree is four years of full-time study.

1.2  Candidates shall undertake a full-time academic year (two semesters or equivalent) of study in a country where the language of study is spoken. The faculty, on the recommendation of the Head of the School of Humanities, shall approve the program of overseas study.

1.3  The study in the country from 1.2 above will normally be completed in the third or fourth year of the degree.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the major in Languages shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.1  Entry to the Honours degree

The faculty may permit entry to the Honours degree by a person who has obtained:

3.2  The faculty may permit the enrolment in the Honours degree of a person who holds the degree of Bachelor of Languages of this or another University, or who holds an equivalent degree, where it is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for honours.

3.3  A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Languages with Honours who terminates candidature for the degree may receive credit towards the degree of Bachelor of Languages for any subject or subjects completed.

4.1  Award of the degree

In the award of honours, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s record throughout the course.


This course provides a qualification that leads to registration as a teacher of classroom music and instrumental music.

1.  Administration of the degree

The joint pass degree of Bachelor of Music-Bachelor of Education shall be administered by the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts and the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences. The respective faculties will be responsible for the administration relating to their degree and subjects.

2.1  Admission to the degree

Entry to the joint degree is restricted to students preparing for secondary teaching who pass the audition, test and interview as specified by the College of Music, Visual Arts and Theatre from time to time; and who gain entry to the course through QTAC, or transfer with a Credit level average in their first year of university studies in a different degree program.

2.2  Re-enrolment in level 2 of the joint degree shall require a Credit level average in the first year of the joint degree.

3.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the degree must fulfil the requirements of the relevant program shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors, obtaining a minimum of 108 units.

3.2  Candidates other than those granted advanced status by way of requirement 4 shall normally pursue full-time studies for a minimum period of four and a half years.

3.3  The maximum period of candidature shall be two times the period specified in 3.2 above.

4.  Advanced status and credit for other studies

A candidate may be granted advanced status upon conditions determined by the relevant faculty. The maximum credit allowed shall be in accordance with the published policy of the relevant faculty.

5.1  Professional experience in degree

All candidates without previous approved teacher education shall be required to undertake professional experience as prescribed by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences.

5.2  Candidates may be required to undertake professional experience in a school away from their normal place of residence, at their own expense.

6.  Withdrawal from the joint degree course

A candidate who has partially completed the requirements of the course of study prescribed for the completion of the joint degree and who then withdraws from the joint degree shall consult the relevant Executive Dean on the requirements for completion of the degree of Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Education.

Schedule – Bachelor of Music-Bachelor of Education

Candidates are required to complete the combined degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements:

Music units 15 12 20 7 3 57
Education units 9 11 6 18 7 51
Total units for combined degree        108


Note: The BPsych degree is a three-year accredited sequence of study in psychology. To qualify for conditional registration as a psychologist in the State of Queensland students must complete an additional year of study either at honours level or in a postgraduate program equivalent to honours such as the Postgraduate Diploma of Psychology. After completing four years of university study, to become fully registered as a psychologist, a graduate must complete two years of supervised practice in the field or an accredited masters degree. There is no quota on entry to the BPsych degree course, however, a quota on entry into fourth year Honours may be applied depending on availability of supervisors.

1.1  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 72 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study.

1.2  Except with the approval of the faculty a full-time candidate shall not be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Psychology unless the requirements for the degree have been completed within a period of seven years from the date of commencement of the year in which the first subject was passed. Part-time candidates, or those who transfer to part-time candidature, or who are accepted after transfer of credit, shall consult with the Head of School to determine the time within which the requirements for the degree must be completed.

2.  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the programs in Psychology shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.1  Entry to honours degree course

A candidate enrolled for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology may be invited by the Head of the School to enrol for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology with Honours if that candidate has obtained a minimum of 72 units by successful completion of the level 1, 2 and 3 subjects prescribed in Bachelor of Psychology Requirement 2, provided that the candidate has obtained a minimum average grade of Distinction across 15 units of core level 3 Psychology subjects.

3.2  The faculty may permit the enrolment in the honours course of a person who holds the degree of Bachelor of Psychology of this or another University, or who holds an equivalent degree, where it is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for honours. School requirements include a provision that candidates entering after graduation shall complete such conditions of Requirement 2 as the Head of the School may specify.

4.  Termination of candidature

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology with Honours who terminates candidature for the degree may receive credit towards the degree of Bachelor of Psychology or any other degree for any subject or subjects completed.

5.  Award of the degree

In the award of Honours, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s record in the Honours year of the course.


1.1  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 72 units in accordance with these requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study.

1.2  Except with the approval of the faculty a full-time candidate shall not be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) unless the requirements for the degree have been completed within a period of seven years from the date of commencement of the year in which the first subject was passed. Part-time candidates, or those who transfer to part-time candidature, or who are accepted after transfer of credit, shall consult with the Head of School to determine the time within which the requirements for the degree must be completed.

2.  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.1  Entry to honours degree course

A candidate enrolled for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) may be invited by the Head of School to enrol for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) with Honours if that candidate has obtained a minimum of 72 units by successful completion of the level 1, 2 and 3 subjects prescribed in Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) requirement 2, provided that the candidate has obtained a minimum average grade of Distinction across 15 units of core level 3 psychology subjects.

3.2  The faculty may permit the enrolment in the honours course of a person who holds the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) of this or another University, or who holds an equivalent degree, where it is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for honours. School requirements include a provision that candidates entering after graduation shall complete such conditions of requirement 2 as the Head of School may specify.

4.  Termination of candidature

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) with Honours who terminates candidature for the degree may receive credit towards the degree of Bachelor of Psychology (Indigenous) or any other degree for any subject or subjects completed.

5.  Award of the degree

In the award of honours, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s record in the honours year of the course.


Note: The BPsych degree is a three-year accredited sequence of study in psychology. To qualify for registration as a psychologist in the State of Queensland students must complete an honours year of study in psychology (or equivalent) followed by two years of supervised practice in the field or an accredited masters program.

1.  Administration of the degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

2.  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the degree shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 96 units. The requirements for the degree are normally completed in four years of full-time study.

3.  Constitution of the degree

Candidates shall meet the requirements for the degree and in so doing shall follow the pattern of study as set out in the attached Schedule shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.


1.1  Requirements for the degree

Honours in the joint degree may be completed as:

1.2  A candidate for the honours degree shall pursue studies as follows:

BPsych(Hons)-BSc(Hons) — six years to obtain 144 units;
BPsych(Hons)-BSc — five years to obtain 120 units;
BPsych-BSc(Hons) — five years to obtain 120 units.

1.3  Candidates undertaking Honours in either or both components of the joint degree shall complete the requirements of the joint pass degree and the requirements of the normal honours year in either or both disciplines depending on the degree in which the candidate enrols.

Joint Degree Bachelor of Psychology-Bachelor of Science

Candidates are required to complete the combined degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements:

Psychology 15 15 24 54
Science 12 15 15 42
  27 30 39 96


Note: Refer to Bachelor of Psychology/Bachelor of Psychology with Honours for entry requirements.

1.  Administration of the degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences.

2.  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the degree shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 96 units. The requirements for the degree are normally completed in four years of full-time study.

3.  Constitution of the degree

Candidates shall meet the requirements for the degree shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors, and in so doing shall follow the pattern of study as set out in the attached schedule.

Schedule Joint Degree Bachelor of Psychology – Bachelor of Social Science

Candidates are required to complete the combined degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements.

Psychology 15 15 15 45
Social Sciences 9 17 25 51
Total 24 32‘ 40 96


1.  Administration of the degree

The degree shall be administered by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences. A Public Policy Program Committee with appropriate representation from other Schools and Faculties shall, until further notice from the Executive Dean, advise the Executive Dean on all matters relating to the degree.

2.  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the degree shall pursue studies up to a minimum of 72 units. The requirements for the degree are normally completed in three years of full-time study or six years of part-time study.

3.  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Public Policy shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.2  The minimum of 72 units shall include:

  1. a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 level 1 units;
  2. a minimum of 15 level 2 units;
  3. a minimum of 18 level 3 units.


1.  Entry to the final honours level

The faculty may permit entry to the honours course by a person who:

2.  A person who holds a degree from another university may be permitted to enrol for the Honours degree where the faculty is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for honours and has met the equivalent of 1.1 or 1.2 above.

3.  Requirements for completion of course

The requirements for the final honours level shall comprise 24 units and normally be completed in one year by full-time study and two years by part-time study.

4.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Public Policy (Honours) shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

4.2  Candidates wishing to undertake an internship will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time, by the faculty and host institutions, to assess their suitability for any internship projects and placements.

4.3  Candidates choosing to undertake internship projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville (for Townsville-based students) or Cairns (for Cairns-based students) will do so at their own expense.


Note: A candidate who has previously graduated with either component of the joint degree will not be approved to enrol in the joint degree

1.  Administration of the degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences and the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts.

2.1  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the pass degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 120 units. The requirements for the degree are generally completed in five years of full-time study.

2.2  The 120 units, from requirement 2.1 above, shall be obtained in accordance with the requirements set out in the Schedule shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.1  Withdrawal from the joint degree course

A candidate who has completed the requirements of level 1 of the joint degree may convert to candidature for the degree of Bachelor of Laws without loss of credit. (Note: Conversion after completion of any later year of the joint degree will normally entail loss of credit for non-Law subjects completed beyond level 1.)

3.2  A candidate who has met all the requirements of levels 1 to 3 of the course of study prescribed in the Schedule shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors and who does not complete the requirements of level 4 and level 5 of the course, shall, on application to the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, be entitled to be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Public Policy.

3.3  A person who graduates under the provisions of requirement 3.2 may seek re-enrolment at a later date in order to complete the degree of Bachelor of Laws, but will be subject to any quota requirements in effect at that time.


1.1  Requirements for the degree

Honours in the joint degree may be completed as:

BPubPol(Hons)-LLB(Hons); BPubPol(Hons)-LLB; BPubPol-LLB(Hons)

1.2  A candidate for the honours degree shall normally pursue studies as follows:

BPubPol(Hons)-LLB(Hons) — six years to obtain 144 units;
BPubPol(Hons)-LLB — six years to obtain 144 units;
BPubPol--LLB(Hons) — five years to obtain 120 units.

1.3  Candidates undertaking honours shall complete the requirements of the honours program in either or both components of the joint degree depending on the degree in which the candidate enrols. (Refer to the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Laws and/or the degree requirements for the Bachelor of Public Policy with Honours.)


1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 72 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is three years of full-time study and the normal maximum time for completion of the degree is ten years.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

A candidate shall complete:

2.2  The minimum total of 72 units shall include:

  1. a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 units at level 1;
  2. a minimum of 15 units at level 2;
  3. a minimum of 18 units at level 3.

2.3  A candidate may not, except with the approval of the Executive Dean:

  1. enrol for any subject at level 2 until 12 units from subjects at level 1 have been completed;
  2. enrol for any subject at level 3 until 18 units from subjects at level 1 and 2 have been completed.


1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal time for completion of the degree is four years of full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

A candidate may enrol for honours in any of the disciplines listed in Schedule 1 below.

2.2  The degree of Bachelor of Social Science with Honours may be taken with honours in a single discipline or with combined honours in two disciplines, at least one of which will be from Schedule 1.

2.3  The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the appropriate honours major(s) according to the discipline(s) in which the degree is to be completed.

3.1  Entry at level 3 to honours degree courses

A candidate shall be eligible to apply to enter the Honours course during level 3 if that candidate’s performance in the subjects attempted satisfies the minimum requirements specified by the School(s) in which the major(s) is (are) offered. In most instances this is a minimum of a credit in specified subjects. However, satisfying the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

4.1  Entry to final honours level

The faculty may permit entry to the honours course by a person who holds or is eligible to hold the Bachelor of Social Science degree or an equivalent degree of this or another University where:

4.2  The requirements for the final honours level normally shall comprise 24 units and normally be completed in one academic year by full-time candidates and two academic years by part-time candidates.

4.3  The requirements for the final honours level shall include, in addition to course work, a thesis or other comparable prescribed work approved by the faculty.

4.4  School requirements may include a provision that candidates entering after graduation complete all or part of the prescribed subjects of the previous levels.

5.  Resubmission for final honours

Except with the approval of the faculty, a candidate shall not be permitted to present more than once for final examination in the same honours discipline or disciplines.

6.1  Termination of course

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Social Science with Honours who terminates candidature at any stage may receive credit towards the degree of Bachelor of Social Science for any honours subject or subjects completed.

6.2  Award of the degree of Bachelor of Social Science under this Requirement shall not preclude later candidature for the degree of Bachelor of Social Science with Honours.


Anthropology History
Archaeology International Studies*
Asia-Pacific Community Development* Policy Studies*
Cultural Heritage Studies* Political Science
Economics Psychology
Environmental Studies Sociology
Geography Welfare Studies
* Indicates interdisciplinary major


1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the pass or honours degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is four years of full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

A candidate shall complete:

2.2  The minimum total of 96 units shall include:

  1. a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 level 1 units;
  2. a minimum of 15 level 2 units;
  3. a minimum of 18 level 3 units;
  4. a minimum of 12 level 4 units.

3.1  Subjects from one discipline

The number of level 1 units which may be obtained in any one discipline shall not exceed six except with faculty permission.

3.2  Except with faculty permission a candidate shall not obtain more than 58 units in any one of the disciplines listed in Schedule 1 of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Social Science.

4.  Subjects from Social Sciences

Except with faculty permission, a candidate shall obtain from subjects listed in Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects* a total of at least 58 units including:

  1. at least 12 units from level 1 subjects;
  2. at least eight units from level 2 subjects;
  3. at least 12 units from level 3 subjects.

5.  Subjects from other Faculties

A candidate may obtain up to 38 units from the Master Schedule of Subjects.

6.1  Entry to the honours degree

The faculty may permit entry to the Honours degree by a person who has obtained:

6.2  The faculty may permit the enrolment in the Honours degree of a person who holds a degree of this or another University or who holds an equivalent degree where it is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for Honours. Candidates entering after graduation shall complete such conditions of Requirement 2 as the Head of School may specify.

6.3  A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Social Science with Honours (Environmental Studies) who terminates candidature for the degree may receive credit towards the degree of Bachelor of Social Science (Environmental Studies) for any subject or subjects completed.

7.  Award of the honours degree

In the award of Honours, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s record throughout the honours year.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Social Work degree course and, in addition, a quota on entry by transfer into level 4 of the joint degree may be applied, depending on the availability of appropriately qualified field education supervisors. All students must demonstrate suitability for social work before undertaking social work field education projects and placements.

1.  Administration of the degree

The joint degree shall be administered by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences.

2.  Requirements for the degree

A candidate for the degree shall pursue studies to obtain a minimum of 120 units. The requirements for the degree are normally completed in five years of full-time study.

3.1  Constitution of the degree

Candidates shall meet the requirements for the degree and in so doing shall follow the pattern of study as set out in the Schedule shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for social work before undertaking professional field education projects and placements.

3.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Social Work degree course and, in addition, a quota on entry by transfer into level 4 of the joint degree may be applied, depending on the availability of appropriately qualified field education supervisors. All students must demonstrate suitability for social work before undertaking social work field education projects and placements.

1.1  Requirements for the degree

Honours in the joint degree may be completed as:

1.2  A candidate for the honours degree shall pursue studies as follows:

BSocSc(Hons)-BSW(Hons) — six years to obtain 144 units;
BSocSc-BSW(Hons) — five years to obtain 120 units;
BSocSc(Hons)-BSW — six years to obtain 144 units.

1.3  Candidates undertaking Honours in either or both components of the joint degree shall complete the requirements of the joint pass degree and the requirements of the normal honours year in either or both disciplines depending on the degree in which the candidate enrols.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for social work before undertaking professional field education projects and placements.

2.2  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.

Bachelor of Social Science-Bachelor of Social Work

Candidates are required to complete the combined degree in accordance with the following minimum requirements:

BSocSc 12 12 12 5 41
BSW 18 17 20 24 79
  30 29 32 24 5 120


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Social Work degree course and, in addition, a quota on entry by transfer into level 3 may be applied, depending on the availability of appropriately qualified field education supervisors. All students must demonstrate suitability for social work before undertaking social work field education projects and placements.

1.  Requirements for completion of degree course

To qualify for the degree a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 96 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal minimum time for completion of the degree is four years of full-time study.

2.1  Constitution of the degree

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the programs in Social Work shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the faculty, to assess their suitability for social work before undertaking professional field education projects and placements.

2.3  Candidates may be required to undertake field education projects and placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.

3.1  Entry to the final honours level

A candidate enrolled for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work may apply to enrol for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work with Honours if that person has obtained a minimum of 72 units by successful completion of the level 1, 2 and 3 subjects as prescribed, provided that the grade of at least credit has been obtained in four level 2 or level 3 social work subjects including the grade of distinction in at least two of these subjects.

3.2  The faculty may permit entry to the Honours degree by a person who holds the Bachelor of Social Work degree of this or another University, or who holds an equivalent degree, where it is satisfied that the degree justifies candidature for Honours. Candidates so entering shall complete the conditions of Requirement 2.1 as the Head of School may specify.

4.  Termination of candidature

A candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Social Work with Honours who terminates candidature for the degree may receive credit towards the degree of Bachelor of Social Work for any subject or subjects completed.

5.  Award of the degree

In the award of Honours, consideration shall be given to the candidate’s record throughout the course.


Note: There is a quota on entry to the Bachelor of Social Work degree course and, in addition, a quota on entry by transfer into the fifth year of the joint degree may be applied, depending on the availability of appropriately qualified field education supervisors. All students must demonstrate suitability for social work before undertaking social work field education placements.

1.1  Requirements for completion of course

A candidate for the degree shall pursue studies to obtain normally a minimum of 144 units. The requirements for the joint degree are normally completed in six years of full-time study.

1.2  The 144 units from 2.1 above shall be obtained in accordance with the program in Social Work-Laws shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

1.3  Candidates will be required to be interviewed, in accordance with procedures approved from time to time by the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, to assess their suitability for social work before undertaking professional field education placements.

1.4  Candidates may be required to undertake social work field education placements in agencies outside Townsville or Cairns at their own expense.

2.  Withdrawal from the joint course

A candidate who has completed the requirements of the first year of the joint degree may convert to candidature for either single degree without loss of credit (Note: conversion after completion of any later year of the joint degree will normally entail loss of credit for non-degree-specific subjects completed beyond level 1).

3.1  Professional subjects in Law

Students seeking admission to legal practice should include LA4022:03 as an LLB elective choice.

3.2  With the approval of the Faculty of Law, Business and the Creative Arts, a candidate may enrol for and take the examination oin the following subjects, passes in which may be required for admission to practice, but no credit for a pass in any such subject may be applied in satisfaction of the requirements for the joint degree.

CO3201:02 Trust Accounts and Book-keeping

LA4009:01 Legal Ethics and Professional Conduct


Note: Requirements for the joint degree are shown in the Faculty of Science and Engineering and Faculty of Medicine, Health and Molecular Sciences Student Handbook.


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 48 units. The normal minimum time for completion of the course is two years of full-time study and there is no maximum time.

2.1  Constitution of the course

A candidate shall select either the General program or one of the specific programs of study shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  The minimum total of 48 units shall include:

  1. a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 level 1 units;
  2. a minimum of 15 level 2 units;
  3. a maximum of 12 level 3 units.

3.1  Subjects from one discipline

The number of level 1 units which may be obtained in any one discipline shall not exceed six except with faculty permission and except with regard to level 1 subjects in economics, mathematics, modern languages, music and welfare studies, in which cases up to 12 units may be obtained.

3.2  Except with faculty permission a candidate shall not obtain more than 32 units in any one of the disciplines listed in Schedule A below.

4.  Subjects from Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences

Except with faculty permission a candidate shall obtain from subjects listed in Table 1a of the Master Schedule of Subjects a total of at least 32 units including:

  1. at least 12 units from level 1 subjects;
  2. at least 8 units from level 2 subjects.

5.  Subjects from other Faculties

A candidate may obtain up to 16 units from Tables other than Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects.

6.  Exit status

Advanced Diplomates who subsequently enrol with credit in a Bachelor degree will be required to surrender the Advanced Diploma before the degree is conferred.


Anthropology Indigenous Studies
Archaeology Japanese
Communication Mathematics
Economics Music
Education Political Science
English Psychology
Environmental Studies Sociology
French Theatre
Geography Visual Arts
History Welfare Studies


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the diploma a candidate must have successfully completed a minimum of 48 units, 24 units from each of levels 1 and 2 subjects with some level 3 units permitted where a specific employment major is being pursued.


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the diploma a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 48 units. The normal minimum time for completion of the course is two years of full-time study and there is no maximum time.

2.1  Constitution of the course

A candidate shall select either the General program or one of the specific programs of study shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.2  The minimum total of 48 units shall include:

  1. a minimum of 18 and a maximum of 30 level 1 units;
  2. a minimum of 15 level 2 units;
  3. either none or a maximum of 12 level 3 units.

3.1  Subjects from one discipline

The number of level 1 units which may be obtained in any one discipline shall not exceed six except with faculty permission and except with regard to level 1 subjects in welfare studies, in which cases up to 12 units may be obtained.

3.2  Except with faculty permission a candidate shall not obtain more than 32 units in any one of the disciplines listed in Schedule A below.

4.  Subjects from Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences

Except with faculty permission a candidate shall obtain from subjects listed in Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects a total of at least 32 units including:

  1. at least 12 units from level 1 subjects;
  2. at least 8 units from level 2 subjects.

5.  Subjects from other Faculties

A candidate may obtain up to 16 units from Tables other than Table Ia of the Master Schedule of Subjects or non-Social Science subjects from Table Ia.

6.  Exit status

Advanced Diplomates who subsequently enrol with credit in a Bachelor degree will be required to surrender the Advanced Diploma before the degree is conferred.


Anthropology History
Archaeology International Studies
Asia Pacific Community Development Policy Studies
Cultural Heritage Studies Political Science
Economics Psychology
Environmental Studies Sociology
Geography Welfare Studies


1.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the award a candidate must have completed subjects of a minimum total value of 48 units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal time for completion of the Advanced Diploma is two years of full-time study.

2.  Constitution of the course

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Women’s Studies shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.  Method of assessment

The Advanced Diploma of Women’s Studies shall be awarded in the following classes:


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must normally have completed a minimum of 24 units from subjects at level 1 (and possibly some at level 2) in one or more majors identified for the Bachelor of Arts degree. Alternatively, students who do not wish to follow a specific major may enrol in a general course and, in consultation with the Academic Advisers, construct an individually tailored study program in accordance with these requirements.


1.  Requirements for completion of course

To qualify for the award a candidate must successfully have completed a minimum of 24 units in level 1 subjects. Core subjects will include 18 units from level 1 Indigenous Studies (IA) subjects. Up to six units of level 1 subjects may be chosen from the Master Schedule of Subjects.


1.  Requirements for the completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of six units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal time for completion of the Certificate is two semesters of part-time study.

2.  Constitution of the course

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Australian Studies shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.  Exit status

Persons who have been awarded the Certificate of Australian Studies who subsequently enrol with credit in a higher award of the University will be required to surrender the Certificate before the higher award is conferred.


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the award, a candidate must have completed the subject SS1106 An Introduction to Child and Adolescent Mental Health (six units by flexible delivery), within 12 months of first enrolment in the course. Students wishing to use the credit points obtained within the certificate toward a higher qualification offered by the faculty shall surrender the certificate before a higher qualification is awarded.

2.  Period of candidature

The normal time for completion of the certificate is one semester. The maximum time for completion is one year.

3.  Method of Assessment

Assessment will be by written assignment.


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the award, a candidate must complete subject(s) of a minimum value of six units in accordance with the program in Child Welfare Practice shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.  Period of candidature

The minimum time for completion is one semester and the maximum time is one year.

3.  Method of assessment

The assessment of subjects shall be by such assignments and examinations as prescribed in the subjects comprising the approved course of study.

4.  Students wishing to credit units obtained within the Certificate of Child Welfare Practice towards a higher qualification offered within the faculty shall surrender the Certificate before the higher qualification is awarded.


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the award, a candidate must complete subject(s) of a minimum total value of six units in accordance with the program in Counselling shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.  Period of candidature

The minimum time to completion of the Certificate is one semester and the maximum time is one year.

3.  Method of assessment

Assessment will be written assignment.

4.  Exit status

Students wishing to credit the units obtained within the Certificate of Counselling toward a higher qualification offered within the faculty shall surrender the Certificate before the higher qualification is awarded.


Note: This award does not lead to registration as a teacher.

1.  Requirements for the completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of six units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal time for completion of the Certificate is two semesters of part-time study.

2.  Constitution of the course

The subjects shall be as advised by the Executive Dean.

3.  Exit status

Persons who have been awarded the Certificate of Education who subsequently enrol with credit in a higher award of the University will be required to surrender the Certificate before the higher award is conferred.


1.  Requirements for the completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of six units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal time for completion of the Certificate is two semesters of part-time study.

2.  Constitution of the course

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Effective Communication shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.  Exit status

Persons who have been awarded the Certificate of Effective Communication who subsequently enrol with credit in a higher award of the University will be required to surrender the Certificate before the higher award is conferred.


Note: This is a short course which is aimed at students who are of non-English speaking background (NESB) and who would benefit from additional training in English communication skills. There are also significant numbers of residents in the north Queensland region for whom English is not their first language.

1.  Requirements for the completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must normally have completed subjects of a minimum total value of six units in accordance with these Requirements. The normal time for completion of the Certificate is two semesters of part-time study.

2.  Constitution of the course

The subjects selected shall be in accordance with the program in Effective Communication (NESB) shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.  Exit status

Persons who have been awarded the Certificate of Effective Communication (NESB) who subsequently enrol with credit in a higher award of the University will be required to surrender the Certificate before the higher award is conferred.


1.  Requirements for the completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must complete six units of level 1 study selected from the Bachelor of Indigenous Studies schedule of subjects. Level 2 or 3 subjects may be substituted with the approval of the Executive Dean.

2.  Constitution of the course

The subjects are set out in accordance with the program shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.


1.  Requirements for the completion of the course

To qualify for the award a candidate must have completed subjects of a minimum total value of six units in accordance with the program in Languages shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors. The normal time for completion of the Certificate is two semesters of part-time study.

2.  Constitution of the course

Any subject or subjects in French or Japanese with a minimum value of six units, after consultation with the course co-ordinator, may be chosen.

3.  Exit Status

Students who have been awarded the Certificate of Languages who subsequently enrol with credit in a higher award of the University shall be required to surrender the Certificate before the higher qualification is awarded.


1.  Period of candidature

The normal time for completion of the certificate is one semester to one year.

2.  Course of studies

A candidate shall complete a course of study approved by the Executive Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Education and Social Sciences comprising a minimum of six units selected from the areas of study shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

3.  Method of assessment

The examination of subjects shall be by such assignments as prescribed by the subjects selected from the areas of study.

4.1  Award of Certificate

Upon completion of the conditions listed in Requirement 2, candidates shall be awarded the Certificate of Social Science in a specified area of study.

4.2  Candidates wishing to use the credit points obtained within the Certificate of Social Science toward a higher qualification offered within the faculty shall surrender the Certificate before the higher qualification is awarded.


1.  Requirements for completion of the course

To qualify for the award, a candidate must complete subject(s) of a minimum value of six units in accordance with the program in youth work practice shown under Undergraduate Courses and Majors.

2.  Period of candidature

The minimum time for completion is one semester and the maximum time is one year.

3.  Method of assessment

The assessment of subjects shall be by such assignments and examinations as prescribed in the subjects comprising the approved course of study.

4.  Students wishing to credit units obtained within the Certificate of Youth Work Practice towards a higher qualification offered within the faculty shall surrender the Certificate before the higher qualification is awarded.