James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2003


The School of Indigenous Australian Studies offers full-time or part-time study to qualify for the Postgraduate Certificate of Indigenous Studies, the Postgraduate Diploma of Indigenous Studies, the Master of Indigenous Studies and Doctor of Philosophy. Prospective students should consult with the Director of Research at the School.

Postgraduate research programs have been established to meet the growing demand for skilled graduates, knowledgeable about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and cultural considerations in relation to research and development. Such people are needed for employment in Indigenous organisations, government agencies and in many areas of education, training, business, industry and commerce.

The research programs have relevance to people from many fields: Social Sciences, Education, Law, Arts, Commerce, Medicine, Public Health and Science, including Engineering and Marine Biology. It is intended that the skills and knowledge attained from these Courses will aid in the economic and social transformation of Indigenous people by increasing the self-determination of those who are employed in Indigenous organisations.


The Masters degree consists of 36 units of study to be completed within two years of full-time study or four years of part-time study.

Students may choose from the following three options:

Research Option

Students undertake a course of study leading to submission of a thesis, directed by a supervisor.

Coursework Option

Students study subjects from the list below.

Portfolio Option

Students complete a portfolio under supervision from the Director of Research.


24 units of study to be completed within one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.


12 units of study (subjects to be chosen from the list below) to be completed within six months of full-time study or one year of part-time study. There will be flexible delivery of subjects. Students who successfully complete the Postgraduate Certificate will be able to progress to the next level of study, the Postgraduate Diploma.


All subjects for the Postgraduate programs are offered externally and include a five-day block on campus to enable students to access the expertise of staff at the School, including local Indigenous people skilled in relevant areas.

IA5000:04 Indigenous Research Ethics
IA5001:04 Field Procedures in Indigenous Research
IA5002:04 Interpreting Research
IA5007:06 Linking Indigenousness 5
IA5100:04 Individual Study/Project
IA5101:08 Dissertation
IA5102:16 Thesis