James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Independent Project and Dissertation

Townsville, Cairns

HECS Band 2

Full year.

Available to students doing the MAppSc degree primarily by coursework.

Staff: Assoc. Professor D Blair (Townsville campus), Dr J Seymour (Cairns campus).

Candidates will undertake a small research project developed in discussions with the course coordinator and their supervisor. The project and its results should be written in the form of a scientific paper and also presented as a 20 minute seminar to other students and staff. Both the oral and written reports should include a detailed and critical interpretation of the results obtained and an indication of possible future work.

Learning Objectives:

  1. development of a research project;
  2. data collection and analysis;
  3. reporting and interpretation of results.

Candidates will be expected to complete a dissertation of sufficient quality to satisfy the examiners.