James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Freshwater Ecology


HECS Band 2

26 hours lectures, 4 hours tutorials, 21 hours practicals, 24 hours field work. Semester 2.

Staff: Professor R Pearson, Dr R Rowe.

Ecology of inland waters with special reference to the tropics.

Topics include chemical and physical features of inland waters; lake forms and origins; stream hydrodynamics; diversity of freshwater biota and faunal adaptations; community dynamics and ecological processes; management issues, including water quality, fisheries, diseases, river regulation, pollution.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understanding of important physical and chemical processes;
  2. knowledge of biota of fresh water;
  3. knowledge of ecological processes;
  4. understanding of anthropogenic influences;
  5. practical skills: describing freshwater systems; sampling for water analyses; sampling of biota; lab techniques.

Assessment by on course assignments and practical book (50%); final examination (50%).