Animal Form and Function Field Course
HECS Band 2
15 hours lectures, 10 hours tutorials, 48 hours field work. July block mode located in Townsville.
Staff: Dr S Robson.
This two week intensive subject provides students with an understanding of the relationship between animal form and function and the expertise required to examine these relationships within the field. The subject includes one week of lectures, tutorials and laboratories, followed by a week of field research on Magnetic Island that allows students to develop the hands-on experience and field skills required to study animal form and function. Students will gain experience working with a diversity of vertebrates and invertebrates from across the animal kingdom (e.g. mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians, insects, parasites) in a variety of habitats (both terrestrial and marine). The material is entirely complimentary to other subjects in zoology.
Learning Objectives:
- the taxonomic and morphological diversity of the animal kingdom;
- adaptation of morphology and function (including behaviour) for particular physical and biological conditions;
- a diversity of mechanisms for dealing with common needs;
- basic methods in field zoology and project reporting collecting and handling of animals; data recording and processing; analysis and reporting.
Assessment by end-of-subject test (45%); essay (40%); field notebooks (10%); oral presentation (5%).