James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Managing Effective Health Programs


HECS Band 2

Semester 2 flexible delivery.

Staff: Ms S Devine.

This subject examines changing social environments and determinants of health in order to analyse changing health service roles; ways of building effectiveness in primary health care programs, such as STD programs, particularly in rural and remote areas; developing a profile of the practice and target population; enhancing efficiency of programs; ways of integrating disease prevention and health promotion activity in routine practice; health program strategies which add value to population health and primary health care programs; opportunistic screening and early detection, surveillance, follow up methods, protocols, information technology, evidence based approaches to primary care.

Learning Objectives:

  1. knowledge of public and primary health strategies which have a known impact on and which add value to clinical encounters;
  2. identify ways of adding population health value to individual care and program activity in the student’s own settings;
  3. develop knowledge of the target, the practice population and of the determinants which mould health;
  4. plan screening/early detection programs;
  5. insight into the challenges presented when reforming workplace activity and of how to manage change.

Assessment by three assignments, completion of workbook.