Maternal Health for Indigenous Health Care
HECS Band 2
Four week subject 2 weeks lectures, 2 weeks clinical experience block mode Semester 1. Taught jointly with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Service Council.
Not available to Masters of Public Health and Tropical Medicine students.
Staff: Ms J Darr.
Designed to give the experienced health worker a solid theoretical background and clinical experience which will optimise management of high risk and abnormal pregnancies. Examines current epidemiological patterns. Includes examination of various maternal health programs and their comparative impact. Review of female anatomy and obstetric anatomy and physiology. Principles of normal pregnancy and antenatal care. Recognition and management of high risk and abnormal pregnancy and puerperium. Referral. Recognition of labour. Management of out-of-hospital deliveries. Communicating effectively with hospital staff. Abnormal palpation, use of foetal doppler and stethoscope.
Assessment by two examinations and clinical examination.