Health Promotion
HECS Band 2
Semester 1 external.
Available to all postgraduate students enrolled in the Master of Public Health and Tropical Medicine and the Postgraduate Diploma of Public Health and Tropical Medicine.
Staff: Ms S Devine.
This subject is designed to introduce students to the competencies involved in the development of health promotion activities and programs. Students will be introduced to the principles and theory of health promotion and to the processes of health promotion program planning, design, implementation and evaluation, as well as examining theories, barriers and techniques involved in knowledge and behaviour change. The subject is designed to enable students to develop the skills necessary to address identified health issues within their own working context. The subject consists of a series of nine modules that will each take approximately two weeks to complete.
Learning Objectives:
- have an understanding of the social, political and economic influences on health;
- demonstrate appropriate knowledge in the principles of health promotion;
- demonstrate an ability to identify specific health needs in the students community;
- demonstrate appropriate knowledge and skills in the processes of planning, designing, implementing, evaluating and sustaining health promotion programs;
- demonstrate a knowledge of the use of media strategies in health promotion;
- demonstrate an ability to apply all of the above skills in the students own working environment.
Assessment by external mode: assignments throughout the semester and completion of two workbooks; block mode: mid-block examination, written assignments and class presentation throughout the block. Some assessment is required to be handed in after completion of the block.