Clinical Practice Objective Structured Clinical Examinations
HECS Band 3
Semester 1 or 2.
This subject requires students to synthesise clinical knowledge gained in the course from both cores and elective subjects. Specific integrated, problem-oriented classes will be scheduled in the curriculum, together with opportune revision sessions throughout the intensive program. It is structured to require students to meet set goals in clinical practice using a set of Objective Structured Clinical Examinations. The examinations take the form of clinical stations through which the students proceed. The stations cover history-taking, physical examination, diagnosis, management and prevention, as well as performance and interpretation of relevant pathological, parasitological, biochemical, microbiological and entomological investigations.
These examinations are also expected to satisfy the future requirements for the Fellowship of the Australian College of Tropical Medicine.
Assessment by on-course testing using written tests, viva voce and clinical practice assessments.