James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Introduction to the History and Philosophy of Science


HECS Band 1

24 hours lectures, 12 hours tutorials. Semester 1.

Staff: Assoc. Professor G Dobson.

A survey of the history of human thought. How are humans different from other animals? What is consciousness? Science as a socio-historic construct. How does science differ from philosophy? From technology? From religion? Science and the existence of God. What is truth? What is sense-experience? Case-histories to illustrate the revolutionary nature of science. Benefits of basic versus targeted research. Science as an absolute knowledge. Is mathematics a science? Why has science been so successful? Science and the public. Limitations of science. Ethics and the scientific endeavour. How will people 1000 years from now view our progress in the 20th century?

Learning Objectives:

  1. to better understand what science is and how it differs from other systems of human thought.

Assessment by two essay assignments.