James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Research Project


HECS Band 2

Full year.

Students spend the equivalent of one semester full-time on an approved project in Physics or Meteorology and Physical Oceanography in order to consolidate aspects of the coursework and to gain experience in research. The project may be done inside the University or outside in an industry placement. To complete the project the student will be required to write a report and give a one-hour seminar. Both the oral and written reports should include a critical appraisal of the objectives, techniques and results of the project.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to learn the skills of project design and elements of theoretical development or experimental design and data acquisition including interpretation of results and presentation of the finished project by written and oral communication;
  2. to gain depth of knowledge in the specific area of their project;
  3. to be involved in the research culture of the school.

Assessment by seminar and project report (100%).