James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Endocrine and Reproductive Pharmacy


HECS Band 2

36 hours lectures, 12 hours tutorials, 12 hours practicals, 12 hours workshops. Semester 1.

Available to level 4 Bachelor of Pharmacy students.

Staff: Assoc. Professor B Glass, Dr R Rasiah, Dr G Hamlin, Assoc. Professor A Nimmo, Dr L Crane.

Students will learn the physiological and pathophysiological aspects of the reproductive system, including obstetrics, infertility, contraception and gynaecological disorders. The pathophysiology and management of disorders of the endocrine system, such as pancreatic, thyroid and adrenal gland dysfunction. Students will also be taught the relationship between the endocrine and the reproductive system and other body systems such as the central nervous system, immunology and reproduction. The treatment and/or prevention of these conditions in rural and remote Australia will be discussed, with particular reference to the management of diabetes in the Indigenous population of Australia.

The student will become knowledgeable about the underlying basis for the normal function and common dysfunctions of the endocrine system. Therapeutic interventions in the normal function of the reproductive system will be explored. Information will be presented in an integrated manner to allow students to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide effective primary health and pharmaceutical care to the community and other health care professionals.

Learning Objectives:

  1. describe the basic structure and function of the endocrine and reproductive system and the organs;
  2. develop and understand the basis of endocrine and reproductive regulation by circulating hormones;
  3. develop an understanding of the possible causes of dysfunction in the endocrine system (eg low dietary iodine and hyperthyroidism, pituitary tumour and elevated TSH secretion and hyperthyroidism);
  4. describe the disease states and conditions associated with the reproductive system such as dysmenorrhoea, STDs, infertility, pregnancy, abnormalities in pregnancy, impotence, menopause and osteoporosis;
  5. describe the pharmacotherapeutics associated with treatment of diseases of the endocrine and reproductive system, their pharmacology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics;
  6. develop an understanding of the role of the pharmacist in monitoring, compliance, blood glucose level monitoring, personal hygiene of patients, identification of symptoms, emergency treatment, drug-drug interactions, interpretation of results, research needed, epidemiology and the effect of Indigenous population needs and compliance;
  7. discuss the epidemiological transition of common diseases of the endocrine system, with particular reference to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations;
  8. demonstrate the appropriate health education and health promotion role of the pharmacist in relation to diseases of the endocrine system;
  9. develop and understand the pharmaco–economic implications of diseases and the management thereof eg diabetes;
  10. develop an understanding of the role of steroids in sports;
  11. develop an understanding of the effects that pregnancy and lactation may have on the use of therapeutic agents and develop the skills to make recommendations about drug use in such patients.

Assessment by a three-hour examination (60%); workshop/tutorial/practical attendance and reports (20%); assignment (20%). Satisfactory performance in all aspects of the subject is required to pass. This is defined as at least 50% on all sections of the course. Attendance at practicals is compulsory.