James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Augmentative and Electronic Communication Systems


HECS Band 2

20 hours flexible delivery. Full year.

Staff: Dr L Walker.

Development of the concepts involved in the AAC field. A review of the range of solutions available and the groups of people each is most suitable for, including both low and high level technology solutions. A method of assessment will be proposed for assessing client needs and capabilities rather than their wants and hopes. The inclusion of the client’s future needs, hopes and aspirations will also be discussed as well as successful integration with other equipment.

There will be an overview of the principles on which the various devices are based (e.g. Minspeak, Bliss, QWERTY etc.) and their applications. A strong emphasis on practical demonstrations and hands on experience of some of the latest equipment as well as the use of computer databases etc. for equipment selection. The importance of training will also be developed.

Learning Objectives:

  1. a solid foundation in the provision of augmentative and alternative communication systems.

Assessment by case study presentation (40%); residential examination (40%); practical class mark (20%).