James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Overview of Technology for People with Disabilities


HECS Band 2

30 hours flexible delivery. Full year.

Staff: Dr L Walker.

An introduction to the provision of a technical solution for disabilities. This subject will provide an indication of the range of options available as well as their evaluation and selection. The subject will emphasise the importance of utilising technology to achieve worthwhile therapy, training and personal goals. Students will develop the facets of good technology prescription and identification, with an emphasis on client centred decision making. An introduction to the principles of keeping an ‘outcomes’ journal to identify common solutions and also areas for which solutions are required but not readily available.

Learning Objectives:

  1. a sound understanding of assistive technology and appropriate prescription techniques.

Assessment by a case study report (30%); satisfactory “outcomes” journal (25%); final examination (15%); on-course assessment (30%).