James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Soft Tissue Injury Management for Health Professionals

Townsville, Cairns

HECS Band 2

Approximately 60 hours in block mode. Vacation or summer school.

Available to participants with eligibility for health professional registration in Queensland and other postgraduate students at the discretion of the Head of Occupational Therapy.

Staff: Assoc. Professor J Trevan-Hawke.

This subject will include review and advanced teaching of physiology, anatomy and neurology, biokinesiology, diagnostic and treatment techniques and research methodology.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understand the impact upon human performance of changes in structures of muscle, tendons and ligaments following changes in pathology;
  2. identify limitations in specific soft tissue structures in the shoulder and neck (related to headaches and shoulder dysfunction) and low back and hip (related to back pain and lower limb dysfunction);
  3. demonstrate treatment strategies to address clinical conditions, including manual therapy;
  4. devise a suitable program of stretching, exercises and modified duties at home, work and leisure for individual clients;
  5. analyse precipitating and perpetuating factors associated with soft tissue problems. These may be environmental (e.g. work) or functional (e.g. posture);
  6. apply therapeutic intervention process to individuals and work place environment to enhance performance and productivity.

Assessment by demonstrated clinical competence (30%); practical/written examination (30%); written assignment (40%).