Rural or Remote Allied Health Practice
HECS Band 2
6 hours workshops, 40 hours other, 20 hours flexible delivery. Full year.
Available to students enrolled in postgraduate studies in Occupational Therapy with recognised prior learning as approved by the Head of Occupational Therapy.
Staff: Assoc. Professor J Trevan-Hawke.
The subject focuses on the students individual needs and the exploration of professional service delivery to rural, remote and indigenous communities. The student will develop their practice needs according to their discipline and areas of professional interest. A needs analysis for occupational therapy service will be undertaken within a given community. A pilot project to meet the needs of that community and individuals will be devised. The implementation of the proposed project and outcomes will be undertaken.
Learning Objectives:
- identify the needs of professional practice which arise from rural, remote and indigenous settings;
- critical assessment of the professional role using a needs analysis framework;
- identify strategies for achieving professional service delivery appropriate to the practice setting;
- identify strategies for achieving personal professional development and support appropriate to the practice setting;
- implement a pilot project of service delivery consistent with the needs of the community and individuals within the chosen community;
- provide culturally appropriate information to the clients, community and individuals.
Case study presentation and on-course assessment (100%).