Occupational Therapy Independent Study (Honours)
HECS Band 2
4 hours lectures, 8 hours tutorials, 30 hours flexible delivery plus supervised research project. Semester 1 on-campus and flexible delivery.
Available to level 3 Occupational Therapy students enrolled in the Honours course.
Staff: Assoc. Professor J Trevan-Hawke, Dr L Walker.
The subject provides basic knowledge to enable students to develop skills to investigate in depth a chosen area of health professional practice. Students will extend and consolidate their knowledge and expertise in a chosen area of health professional service. Completion of the learning activity will enhance health service delivery in a variety of community settings. The independent project should be original and practical in design.
Learning Objectives:
- identify a project and demonstrate the ability to formulate a research question for the provision of health care or related services;
- describe the project appropriate to the research question;
- demonstrate the ability to report both orally and in written form;
- implement a trial of the proposed independent project;
- collect data demonstrating appropriate methodology.
Assessment by oral presentation and written assignment for independent study (50%); project presentation and write up (50%).