Principles of Design for Therapy
HECS Band 2
26 hours lectures, 26 hours tutorials, 39 hours workshops. Semester 1.
Staff: Dr L Walker.
The topics covered in this subject will develop practical experience in materials management, design and the application of theoretical models and principles to the needs of the client. Topics include but are not limited to: access and mobility in all environments; the use of mobility aids; assistive devices, their design and adaption; principles and practice of orthotics (splinting) and prosthetics and principles of compression therapy and application to clinical diagnosis.
Learning Objectives:
- application of biomechanics of muscle and joint function to movement and mobility, both independent and assisted;
- an understanding of basic electrical and mechanical principles and their application to assistive technology;
- ability to prescribe and adapt mobility devices and the environment for safe independent living;
- understanding of orthotics and pressure garments.
Assessment by individual portfolio (30%); assignment (50%); on-course assessment (20%). Competencies for each assessment week must be achieved. A pass mark must be achieved in each component to obtain an overall pass.