Perinatal Critical Care and the Pregnant Woman
HECS Band 1
160 hours flexible delivery. Semester 2.
Available to all postgraduate students of the midwifery and nursing courses. Students must have attained, or be enrolled in a tertiary degree or hospital certificate in midwifery to undertake this subject. The learning relates to an expected knowledge level of essential midwifery concepts.
This subject has been written to meet the needs of endorsed midwives and postgraduate students of midwifery. The subject is designed to enhance and inform nursing and midwifery practice when caring for a critically ill pregnant woman during the perinatal period. Modular formats address the issues of maternal cardiac disorders; maternal hypertensive disorders; maternal trauma and substance abuse and maternal emergencies. These issues are discussed within a holistic and family-oriented focus.
Learning Objectives:
- provide proficient management of critically ill pregnant women;
- understand the interpersonal issues for the midwife caring for the critically ill woman;
- discuss the effects on the pregnant woman of the critical episode and recovery;
- outline the pharmacological management of the critically ill pregnant woman;
- analyse antenatal preparation for complicated pregnancies for the woman and her family.
On-course assessment (100%).