Midwifery Practice 4
HECS Band 1
Flexible delivery. Semester 2.
This subject is available to both student and endorsed midwives. They will be able to consolidate and extend previous learning in midwifery. Through modular learning, the content focuses on ethico-legal issues for midwifery professionals, advanced clinical learning and contemporary issues such as the domestic violence initiative.
Learning Objectives:
- identify relationships between ethics and professional behaviour by the ability to formulate strategies for promoting ethical practice;
- compare and contrast the various methods of delivery of midwifery care evidenced by the ability to institute sound midwifery practices;
- explore the midwifes role in assisting women experiencing issues such as family violence;
- practice to the full extent of the midwifes role as a practitioner, according to State and statutory requirements.
On-course assessment (100%).