James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Nursing Inquiry 1 – Ways of Knowing

Townsville, Cairns, Mount Isa

HECS Band 1

10 hours lectures, 20 hours tutorials (internal – Townsville, Cairns, Mt Isa campuses); 30 hours flexible delivery (Townsville campus). Semester 2.

Available to level 1 students enrolled in the BNSc.

This subject will examine the ways knowledge is generated and accepted by the individual. This includes the use of critical thinking, reflective thinking and their application to problem solving. Alternative cultural approaches to knowledge and their generation are addressed. Nursing knowledge as a unique body of knowledge is identified and explored. Nursing theorists are critiqued.

Ways of knowing: examine more specific models of nursing theory; determine the relationship between theory, research and nursing practice and examine the social and political aspects of research.

Critical/reflective thinking: different notions of critical thinking will be introduced, explored and related to problem solving; different types of knowledge and their place and influence on nursing knowledge; explore personal experience of obtaining knowledge (interpretive); introduction to journalling.

Nursing knowledge: examine development of nursing knowledge through research. The relationship between knowledge from personal experience and nursing knowledge will be interpreted. Different cultural perspectives on creating knowledge will be examined as well as historical and gender influences on the development of nursing knowledge.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop processes of critical thinking and reflective practice for incorporation into professional practice;
  2. reflect upon and share how knowledge develops as the result of personal experiences;
  3. evaluate, using literature and readings, the impact of various influences on nursing knowledge and practice;
  4. discuss the evolution of concepts and values within nursing from the historical era to contemporary practice;
  5. explore the links between nursing and women’s knowledge and experience;
  6. identify the key characteristics of various nursing models and theories and their application to practice.

Assessment by reflective paper on an identified critical incident (60%); essay (40%).