James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2002


Energy Conversion and Refrigeration


HECS Band 2

39 hours lectures, 39 hours tutorials, seminars, field trips, practicals and workshops. Semester 2.

Advanced thermodynamics: second law analysis of processes, fuel and energy sources, combustion, environmental impact of power plant operation.

Energy conversion: steam power plants, gas turbines, reciprocating internal combustion engines, photovoltaic energy systems, energy storage.

Air-conditioning and refrigeration: vapour compression cycle, psychrometry and wetted surface heat transfer, cooling coils and cooling towers, air conditioning system analysis and operation, air conditioning loads, thermal comfort requirements.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Advanced thermodynamics: enable students to use the second law of thermodynamics to identify inefficiencies in thermodynamic processes and suggest improvements. Perform quantitative combustion calculations including second law analysis. Develop an appreciation for the various energy sources, their environmental impact and the environmental responsibilities of professional engineers.
  2. Energy conversion: become familiar with the design of steam power plants, reciprocating internal combustion engines and gas turbines. Gain an understanding of internal combustion engine characteristics relevant for the selection and operation of plant equipment. Become familiar with engineering applications of photovoltaic energy systems and principles of sustainable design and development.
  3. Air-conditioning and refrigeration: understand the design principles for air conditioning and refrigeration apparatus. Evaluate the operation of air conditioning equipment under varying load conditions. Develop the ability to use information from established design handbooks such as the ASHRAE guide or Australian Standards. Be able to perform building air conditioning load calculations and appreciate factors influencing them.
  4. skills in report writing, teamwork during laboratory sessions, measurement techniques and error analysis.

Assessment by examination (50%-70%); on-course assessment (30%-50%).